What are the key server requirements necessary for migrating a CodeIgniter 3 project to CodeIgniter 4?

Gurpinder Singh - Jan 4 - - Dev Community

Yes, it's possible to convert a CodeIgniter 3 project to CodeIgniter 4. However, it's important to note that the process might not be entirely automatic due to significant changes between the versions. Here's a general guideline to help you with the migration:

Server Requirements:

  1. PHP version 7.3 or higher.

  2. Extensions: intl, libxml, mbstring, json, curl.

  3. Apache (with mod_rewrite enabled) or Nginx.

Steps for migration:

a. Backup Your CodeIgniter 3 Project:
Before starting the migration, make sure to back up your CodeIgniter 3 project files.

b. Install CodeIgniter 4:
Download CodeIgniter 4 from the official website or use Composer to create a new CodeIgniter 4 project. Refer to the installation guide for specific steps.

c. Move Core Code:
Move your CodeIgniter 3 application-specific code (controllers, models, views, libraries, etc.) into the appropriate directories in your CodeIgniter 4 project.

d. Update Configuration and Libraries:
Rewrite or update your configuration files, database settings, and libraries to adapt to CodeIgniter 4's changes. There are several differences between the two versions, especially in terms of namespaces, service classes, and usage.

e. Rewrite Deprecated Code:
Check for deprecated functions, methods, or features in CodeIgniter 3 that might not be available in CodeIgniter 4. Update your code accordingly to use the new features or methods provided in CodeIgniter 4.

f. Testing:
Thoroughly test your application after migration to ensure that all functionalities work as expected.

g. Refactor if Necessary:
Refactor your codebase if needed to leverage the new features and improvements offered by CodeIgniter 4.

Additional Considerations:
Review the CodeIgniter 4 User Guide for detailed information about the changes, new features, and instructions on how to work with CodeIgniter 4.
Utilize CodeIgniter 4's command-line interface (CLI) to generate files, entities, or migrations where applicable.
Be prepared to spend time debugging and fixing issues that might arise during the migration process.
Remember that the complexity of the migration can vary depending on the size and complexity of your CodeIgniter 3 project. It's recommended to go through the official documentation thoroughly and take a systematic approach while migrating to CodeIgniter 4

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