A Strange Request (for Charity)

Jason C. McDonald - Jul 18 '18 - - Dev Community

This is a little awkward to post, but understand that if it weren't for the charitable nature, I wouldn't dare in a million years!

I work at a residential addition rehab program, as a teacher in the vocational education department, and as an incidental computer technician when the need arises. Right now, I'm trying to build a Windows 98 computer, for running some classic educational software that would greatly help the residents and their kids. (By the way, a virtual machine is out, I already considered it.) I'm hoping to have this ready to go by the last week of August.

I have an extensive stash of "outdated" technology, which I renovate with Linux for charity. However, out of everything I have, a Windows 98 computer turns out not to be one of them. The newer machines I have won't cut it, as there are no graphics drivers that will allow Windows 98 to run in 256 colors, nor have audio.

So, here's my thought: if I can get my hands on a single, functional motherboard that was designed for Windows 98, I can probably take it from there! I've got multiple towers, all of them with perfectly decent PSUs, drives, fans, and more RAM than you can shake a stick at. I merely need the motherboard (and its backplate, obviously) to get this done.

For the record, I'd gladly find and purchase one myself, except being unemployed, that's presently beyond my means. All of my parts and equipment were either gifts, donations, or cheap second-hand finds.

If you have one on hand you'd be willing to donate and ship, you'd be helping me help a lot of people, and I would be ETERNALLY grateful. (I'll also emblazon your screen-name on the finished computer case if you wish, right next to the DEV sticker. I'll provide pictures, of course.) If that's you, please comment with size factor and other specs, so I can double-check that I've got a case and equipment to match.

Once again, I really hate to post this, but this is for a good cause, and dev.to() seemed like the best place to ask. Thanks for your patience with this odd little request!

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