Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW)

coder7475 - Aug 12 '24 - - Dev Community

Linux Firewalls

  • All modern Linux firewall solution uses Netfilter subsystem.

  • Netfilter is a packet filtering system that is used to
    manipulate the fate of network traffic headed into or through the server.

  • System administrator use userspace interface utility siptables to set rules for how to manage the incoming traffic.

  • iptables is extremely effective and customizable, but it can be complex to configure.

  • Developers produced several frontend to help user control their firewall without writing lengthy iptables rules. Ex: ufw, firewalld etc

ufw - Uncomplicated Firewall

  • The default for debian based distros, ex: ubuntu, linux mint etc.

  • Provides a user-friendly way to create IPv4 or IPv6 host-based firewall.

  • ufw by default is initially disabled.

Enable or disable ufw

To enable ufw, run:

  sudo ufw enable
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To disable ufw, run:

  sudo ufw disable
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Check the status

To see the firewall status, enter:

  sudo ufw status
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See numbered format:

  sudo ufw status numbered
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Show all added rules:

ufw show added
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UFW Defaults

It's very important to understand ufw defaults for your security.


  sudo ufw status verbose
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Above command will result:

# ufw status verbose
Status: active
Logging: on (low)
Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), disabled (routed)
New profiles: skip
To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
22/tcp                     ALLOW IN    Anywhere
44                         DENY IN     Anywhere
22/tcp (v6)                ALLOW IN    Anywhere (v6)
44 (v6)                    DENY IN     Anywhere (v6)
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Explanation of output below:

  1. deny (incoming): This will make sure that no outside systems can connect to your machine until you add an overriding rule for it.

  2. allow (outgoing): This means that all outgoing requests are enabled. This setting helps you run commands like apt-install, wget, and ping without issues. But, if you want to keep your server secure it is better to change the defaults to block outgoing and then allow specific IPs/domains that you need.

  3. disabled (routed). This means that all routing is disabled and forwarding is blocked. This is a good default provided you are not using your machine as a router.

  4. In Action column it is ALLOW IN & DENY IN. Which means there is also ALLOW OUT & DENY OUT.

Reload firewall for new rules

If UFW is already enabled and you modify the firewall rules, you need to reload it before the changes take into effect.

You can restart UFW by disabling it and enabling it again:

sudo ufw disable && sudo ufw enable
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Or reload the rules:

sudo ufw reload
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Reset all rules of ufw

  ufw reset
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How to add ufw rules

Syntax to add rule:

sudo ufw allow <port>/<optional: protocol>
sudo ufw deny <port>/<optional: protocol>
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  1. To open a port (port no: 22):
  sudo ufw allow 22
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  1. To close an opened port:
  sudo ufw deny 22
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  1. To allow ssh connection
  ufw allow ssh
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  1. To allow http and https
  sudo ufw allow http && sudo ufw allow https
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Rules can also be added using a _numbered format._

  1. See numbered format:
  sudo ufw status numbered
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  1. To add a rule using numbered format:
  sudo ufw insert 1 allow 80
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This allowing 80 port as number 1 rule

  1. To remove a rule, use delete followed by the rule:
  sudo ufw delete deny 22
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This delete the deny 22 rule

To check all open ports that are running

  1. Install net-tools if not already installed
  sudo apt install net-tools
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  1. Show all open port that are currently running:
  netstat -tulpn
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  1. To further check your network connection use:
  netstat -anp   # Detailed info about all network connection
  lsof -i        # List open network file
  ss         # Display socket statistics and network connections
  ss -t # Display all TCP sockets
  ss -u # Display all UDP Sockets
  ss -l # All listening sockets
  ss -a # All Sockets
  ss -s # Summary statistics
  ss -p # Process using the socket
  ss -n # Show numerical addresses instead of hostman
  iptables -L -n # List all firewall rules with IP address & port number
  cat /etc/resolv.conf # List info about DNS config of system
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Allow Access from specific hosts

  • It can allow access from specific hosts or networks to a port

  • Example: Allows SSH access from host to any IP address on this host:

 sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 22
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  • To allow SSH access from entire subnet enter:
 sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 22
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Simulate Adding Rules

If you want to see what happens when you add a rule use --dry-run option to a ufw command.

  sudo ufw --dry-run allow http
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Configure to support IPv6

  1. Open Config File: using nano(a text editor)
  sudo nano /etc/default/ufw
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  1. Then Change The IPV6 value to yes:
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ufw application integration

  1. See all available apps:
  suo ufw app list
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  1. Syntax to add or deny app:
sudo ufw allow <application>
sudo ufw deny <application>
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  1. To allow OpenSSH enter:
  sudo ufw allow "OpenSSH"
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Special Tips For Newbies

  • After enabling firewall never exit from your remote server connection without enabling rule for ssh connection. Otherwise you won't be able to log into your own server.

UFW Logging

  1. To see if logging is enabled:
  sudo ufw status verbose
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  1. To allow logging on:
  sudo ufw logging on
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Different levels of UFW Firewall logging

There are 5 levels of UFW logging.

  1. off: Means logging is disabled.
  2. low: Will store logs related to blocked packets that do not match the current firewall rules and will show log entries related to logged rules.
  3. medium: In addition to all the logs offered by the low level, you get logs for invalid packets, new connections, and logging done through rate limiting.
  4. high: Will include logs for packets with rate limiting and without rate limiting.
  5. full: This level is similar to the high level but does not include the rate limiting.

To change logging level

  1. Syntax
  sudo ufw logging logging_level
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  1. If you want to change it to medium level
  sudo ufw logging logging_level
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Check logs

  1. See the Full logs:
  sudo less /var/log/ufw.log
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  1. See only last 10 line of log
  sudo tail -f /var/log/ufw.log
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