Understand the difference between a class & a function

Sona - Jan 17 - - Dev Community

Once upon a time in the kingdom of Codeonia, there were two talented programmers named Alice and Bob. Each had their unique skills, and they often collaborated to build marvelous applications for the kingdom.

Alice, the Function Wizard, was known for her ability to conjure small, powerful spells with the wave of her coding wand. She specialized in creating functions, magical incantations that could perform specific tasks when called upon. For example, she had a spell called sum_numbers that could add two numbers together.

One day, the king of Codeonia requested a program that would calculate the area of different shapes. Alice, being the Function Wizard, created a set of magical functions like calculate_area_circle and calculate_area_rectangle. Each of these functions had a specific purpose, making them reusable spells that could be used throughout the kingdom.

On the other side of Codeonia, there was Bob, the Class Enchanter. Bob had a different approach to magic. Instead of creating individual spells, he crafted enchanted objects known as classes. Each class contained its own set of spells, or methods, that could be cast upon instances of that class.

In response to the king's request, Bob designed a class called ShapeCalculator. This enchanted class had methods like calculate_area_circle and calculate_area_rectangle within its magical repertoire. The methods were like spells bound to the class, ready to be invoked whenever needed.

As the story unfolded, Alice and Bob collaborated to create a magnificent program. Alice's functions and Bob's classes worked together seamlessly. Alice's spells could be used independently, and Bob's enchanted class brought a sense of organization and encapsulation to their magical code.

In the end, the king was delighted with the program that Alice and Bob created. The Function Wizard and the Class Enchanter had showcased their distinct talents, proving that functions and classes were both essential elements of the magical world of programming in Codeonia.

And so, the tale of Alice, Bob, and their enchanted code became a legend, passed down through the kingdom of Codeonia, reminding aspiring programmers of the power and harmony found in the artful use of functions and classes.

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