Creative HTML Coming Soon Template | Theme 1

Creative Salahu - Jun 15 - - Dev Community

This CodePen showcases a modern and stylish "Coming Soon" template, perfect for websites that are under construction and want to keep visitors informed and engaged. This template is designed with a clean and professional layout, featuring eye-catching animations and a user-friendly interface.

Key Features:

Responsive Design: Ensures optimal viewing experience across all devices, from desktops to mobile phones.
Elegant Typography: Utilizes "Libre Baskerville" and "Roboto" fonts for a sophisticated look.
Social Media Integration: Includes social media icons for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, allowing visitors to stay connected.
Email Notification Form: A functional form that lets users subscribe for updates, ensuring they are notified when the site goes live.
Animated Elements: Subtle animations on the shapes and elements add a dynamic touch to the overall design.
Section Breakdown:


A clean and simple header with the message "COMING SOON" to inform visitors about the site's status.
A catchy main headline "We’re blowing up" to grab attention.

A concise paragraph explaining that the site is under construction and encouraging visitors to stay in touch.
Subscription Form:

An email input field with placeholder text and a "Notify Me" button for users to subscribe to updates.
Social Media Icons:

Interactive social media icons that link to respective platforms, allowing users to follow and connect.
Background and Shapes:

A visually appealing background image that enhances the aesthetic appeal.
Various animated shapes positioned around the template to create an engaging visual experience.
CSS Highlights:

Flexbox Layout: Utilized for creating responsive and flexible layouts.
Custom Animations: Keyframe animations for the moving shapes, adding a dynamic feel to the design.
Form Styling: Custom styles for the email input and button, ensuring they stand out and are easy to use.
Media Queries: Responsive design adjustments for different screen sizes, ensuring the template looks great on all devices.
How to Use:

Integrate this template into your project by copying the HTML and CSS code.
Customize the text, images, and links to match your branding and requirements.
Ensure you have the necessary fonts and Font Awesome icons included in your project.
This "Coming Soon" template is perfect for keeping your audience informed and engaged while you work on launching your new site. Customize it to fit your needs and create a professional and captivating coming soon page.

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