Mobile Dev Roadmap

Cristovão Farias - Sep 7 '23 - - Dev Community

Programming Foundation

  1. Understand what an Algorithm is
  2. Study the concepts of data, information, knowledge, and intelligence
  3. Learn the fundamentals of programming logic
  4. Explore data structures
  5. Familiarize yourself with databases (both relational and non-relational) at a basic level
  6. Grasp the concept of RESTful API requests (GraphQL is optional)
  7. Learn Object-Oriented Programming, especially for languages that emphasize OOP
  8. Study design patterns
  9. Understand the SOLID principles (Single Responsibility Principle, Open-Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Interface Segregation Principle, and Dependency Inversion Principle)
  10. Get acquainted with the basics of Clean Code and its significance for code maintainability

Choose Your Development Stack

  1. Select the mobile programming language of your choice (e.g., Swift for iOS, Kotlin for Android)
  2. Study the chosen language, including its syntax and core concepts
  3. Choose a framework for mobile development (e.g., SwiftUI for iOS, Flutter for cross-platform)
  4. Explore the application's lifecycle on your chosen platform
  5. Learn about styling components and user interfaces
  6. Study componentization and code modularization
  7. Become familiar with design patterns relevant to your chosen platform (e.g., Material Design for Android, Human Interface Guidelines for iOS)
  8. Understand the basics of state management on your platform (e.g., State Management in Flutter, ViewModels in Android)
  9. Explore reactive programming concepts such as Streams and Observables (platform-dependent)
  10. In-depth reading of the official documentation for your chosen language and framework
  11. Create small practice projects to apply your acquired knowledge

Architecture and Beyond

  1. Based on your knowledge, delve into software architecture specific to mobile development (e.g., MVVM, MVP, MVC, Clean Architecture)
  2. Study Clean Architecture thoroughly and learn how to apply it to mobile projects
  3. Deepen your understanding of Clean Code, focusing on coding best practices, naming conventions, and refactoring
  4. Continue exploring design patterns such as Singleton, Observer, and Factory (as applicable)
  5. Gain a basic understanding of UX/UI principles to create user-friendly and intuitive interfaces
  6. Study UI/Layouts extensively on your chosen platform (e.g., ConstraintLayout on Android, SwiftUI Layouts on iOS)
  7. Explore Responsiveness and Adaptability to ensure a consistent experience across various devices and screen sizes
  8. Learn about Accessibility to create inclusive applications
  9. Expand your knowledge in state management with advanced approaches (e.g., Redux, MobX, Provider)
  10. Stay updated by keeping track of industry trends and advancements in mobile development, participating in online communities, attending conferences, and enrolling in relevant courses

Remember that programming and mobile development are continuously evolving fields, so staying updated and being open to learning is crucial for success in this domain. Adapting your roadmap to reflect technological changes is a good practice.

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