What's the Deal with Arrays and Objects?

Dakota Day - Apr 19 - - Dev Community

We all know arrays and objects, right? Sure, but what are some key differences between the two? Let's start with some ways that the two are similar: well, they're both complex data types for starters, meaning that they can hold a multitude of other datatypes within themselves, including other arrays and objects! Both also a have way to loop through the data they contain.

Here's two examples that we'll use throughout this reading:

let dataTypesArr = ['string', 1, true, ['array'], {key: 'value'}];

let dataTypesObj = {
  string: 'string',
  number: 4,
  boolean: true,
  array: [1, 2, 3],
  object: {inner: true}
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Access... Granted?

We now know that these two datatypes can hold other datatypes, but how do we access them? This is where some key differences begin to show.


Arrays can be accessed by using bracket notation. Since arrays can have their data organized, they contain an index which keeps track of what is where. They also have a length property which is handy for looping.

console.log(dataTypesArr[0]); //This prints the value held at the
                              //0 index which is 'string' here

//For loops allow us to access all of the data if we wanted to
for(let i = 0; i < dataTypesArr.length; i++){
//This loop prints whatever value is held at the i index during
//that iteration, and it runs until it is out of data to iterate
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Objects have the ability to be accessed using bracket or dot notation. Keep in mind if you decide to use bracket notation for accessing objects, you have to include the quotes inside the brackets to notate you want to access that literal keyName. They do not have a length property and their data is not organized. Objects also have a special way to loop through their stored data.

console.log(dataTypesObj.number); //Prints value held at the 
                                  //'number' key, which is 4
console.log(dataTypesObj['boolean']); //Prints value held at the 
                                    //'boolean' key, which is true

//To loop through an object, you have to use a for-in loop
for(let key in dataTypesObj){
  console.log(key); //This prints all of the keys
//Here you wouldn't put key in quotes because key is used as a
//variable. If you used quotes, the program would try to find the
//key named 'key'. This will print all of the values held at each
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Now we know how to access them, but how can we manipulate the data with arrays and objects? Easy, actually. Both types have their own ways to change, or mutate, their data


Starting with arrays again, you can put new data in, or take it out. People most commonly use array methods to accomplish this.

//.push() and .unshift() add data to the end and beginning of the
//array respectively
datatypesArr.push(5); //adds 5 to the end of the array
datatypesArr.unshift(10); //adds 10 to the beginning of the array

//.pop() and .shift() remove data from the end and beginning of
//the array respectively
datatypesArr.pop(); //removes the last value
datatypesArr.shift(); //removes the first value
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Objects are really easy to manipulate, no methods needed!

//Say we want to add a new piece of data called name
dataTypesObj.name = 'Dakota'; //Adds new key/value pair:
                              //name: 'Dakota'
dataTypesObj['age'] = 27; //Also works with bracket notation!

//If we wanted to delete our newly created data, just use the
//delete keyword
delete dataTypesObj.name; //deletes name: 'Dakota'
delete dataTypesObj['age']; //deletes age: 27
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Just remember, arrays and objects are really only similar in the way that they are complex data types and that they can loop. They each have their own ways to loop, access, and manipulate the inner data. Hopefully this information helps if you're struggling to get the hang of arrays and objects. Good luck on your own coding adventure!

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