Why should you care about the “security.txt” file on your website?

Darko Todorić - Jan 19 - - Dev Community

Just as “robots.txt” helps manage how search engines interact with your website, “security.txt” is a critical part of web security. This small file, placed in your website’s root directory, is a straightforward way for security researchers to report vulnerabilities. It’s a signal that you take security seriously and are open to collaboration in addressing digital threats.

There are 10.5 trillion reasons to care about your cyber security

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With a staggering prediction of $10.5 trillion in cybercrime damages by 2025, there are many reasons to prioritize cybersecurity. Among the essential parts to safeguard your online presence is the "security.txt" file. This seemingly small component can play a pivotal role in your defense strategy by guiding security researchers and ethical hackers to report vulnerabilities.

As we peer into the digital future, the protection of your assets and data has never been more critical. In this article, we'll explore the significance of cybersecurity, including the role of 'security.txt,' as we prepare for the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Benefits and importance of a "security.txt" file

Implementing a "security.txt" file on your website is more than a security measure, it's a commitment to transparency and collaboration in cybersecurity. This simple file offers several key advantages:

  • Streamlined communication: It provides a clear pathway for security researchers to report vulnerabilities, ensuring that potential issues are addressed effectively.
  • Trust building: Having a "security.txt" demonstrates to your users and clients that you prioritize security.
  • Proactive security management: It showcases your proactive approach to security, staying ahead of potential threats rather than reacting to them.

Serbian most visited websites and the missing "security.txt" file

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After analyzing the top 50 most visited websites in Serbia, it's evident that none of these domestic sites have implemented the essential "security.txt" file. This absence highlights a significant security gap in Serbia's online presence, emphasizing the need for immediate attention to strengthening cybersecurity.

As I prepare to publish this article, I remain hopeful that this situation will change in the future, and that our largest websites will start implementing best security practices. As the importance of cybersecurity continues to grow, the Serbian online landscape must adapt and prioritize the safety of both website owners and users.

Adding "security.txt" to your website: easy steps to follow

For a comprehensive guide on how to create, customize, and optimize your "security.txt" file to meet your website's unique needs, I recommend visiting securitytxt.org. This resource offers detailed instructions, examples, and best practices to help you implement "security.txt" effectively.

"security.txt" files have been implemented by Google, Facebook, GitHub, the UK government, and many other organizations. In addition, the UK’s Ministry of Justice, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (US), the French government, the Italian government, the Dutch government, and the Australian Cyber Security Centre endorse the use of "security.txt" files.


Implementing a "security.txt" file on your website is a simple yet effective way to enhance your website's security posture. It serves as a clear communication channel between ethical hackers, security researchers, and your organization, ultimately helping you identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited maliciously. However, it's important to remember that 'security.txt' is just one piece of the cybersecurity puzzle. By embracing this standard alongside other security measures, you not only demonstrate your commitment to cybersecurity but also foster a safer online environment for your users. So, don't wait any longer, start incorporating "security.txt" into your website today.

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