How to send raw base64 to PrintNode cloud printing using PHP?
Maybe for some developers it will be confused to find sources that cover this topic, especially with the minimal documentation of the packages provided by PrintNode on Github .
For me personally, PrintNode is an excellent service with powerful features that can support various programming languages for developing enterprise projects. I have used PrintNode from 1 year ago to build a Distributor Warehouse Application that is spread across various regions and each region has a Cashier and Admin at any time can print sales notes, travel documents, proof of transfers between warehouses in real time via the server.
I chose PrintNode as a bridge through which all data traffic will be printed in each place and it is easy to find out all of these activities through 1 dashboard.
Check PrintNode PHP Examples
In the PHP PrintNode repository on Github there are only 4 samples. Example 4 of the code is:
- example-1-your-first-request.php
- example-2-creating-your-first-printjob.php
- example-3-computers-and-printers.php
- example-4-print-jobs.php
How can I sent raw base64 ke PrintNode?
First of all, what we need to prepare is as follows:
- PrintNode-PHP package
- Mike42 / escpos-php package
- PrintNode Client Application download here
Here the example of reciept:
Now let's create a library for creating receipt templates:
Filename RecieptPrinter.php
Sorry I am too lazy to write in English.
use Mike42\Escpos\CapabilityProfile;
use Mike42\Escpos\PrintConnectors\DummyPrintConnector;
use Mike42\Escpos\Printer;
class RecieptPrinter {
/* Create divider */
protected $divider;
public function __construct()
$this->divider = str_repeat("-", 40);
public function raw_base64( array $data )
// Make sure you load a Star print connector or you may get gibberish.
$connector = new DummyPrintConnector();
$profile = CapabilityProfile::load("TM-U220");
$printer = new Printer($connector);
// Create Header
$printer->selectPrintMode(Printer::MODE_DOUBLE_HEIGHT); // Set text more bigger
$printer->setJustification(Printer::JUSTIFY_CENTER); // Set justify text
$printer->setFont(Printer::FONT_B); // Use FONT B
$printer->setEmphasis(true); // Set Emphasis (on)
$printer->text( YOUR_COMPANY_NAME . "\n" );
$printer->setEmphasis(false); // Set Emphasis (off)
// Create Subheader
$printer->setJustification(Printer::JUSTIFY_CENTER); // Set justify text
$printer->setFont(Printer::FONT_B); // Use FONT B
$printer->setEmphasis(true); // Set Emphasis (on)
$printer->text("MELAYANI SEPENUH HATI\n"); // start slogan
$printer->text( YOUR_ADDRESS ."\n" ); // set address
$printer->text("Buka Jam 07:30 - 16:30\n"); // set opening hours
$printer->setEmphasis(false); // Set Emphasis (off)
// Membuat detail operator
$printer->setFont(Printer::FONT_B); // Use FONT B
$printer->setEmphasis(true); // Set Emphasis (on)
$printer->text( $this->divider ); // use divider
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisSejajar("Operator : ", YOUR_OPERATOR_NAME ) );
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisSejajar("Time : ", YOUR_DATE_TIME ) );
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisSejajar("Transaction Number : ", YOUR_TRANSACTION_NUMBER) );
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisSejajar("Costumer : ", YOUR_COSTUMER_NAME) );
$printer->text( $this->divider ); // use divider
$printer->setEmphasis(false); // Set Emphasis (off)
// Reciept details
$printer->setFont(Printer::FONT_B); // Use FONT B
$printer->setEmphasis(true); // Set Emphasis (on)
$number = 1;
$total = [];
foreach ($data['details'] as $d) {
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisContent( $d['YOUR_ITEM'] , $d['YOUR_SUBTOTAL'] )) );
$printer->text( '@ ' . $d['YOUR_PRICE_ITEM'] . " x " . $d['YOUR_QTY'] . "\n\n" );
array_push($total, $d['YOUR_SUBTOTAL']);
// Print Footer
$printer->text( $this->divider );
$totalan = array_sum($total);
$total_belanja = number_format( $totalan );
// Total Belanja
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisSejajar("TOTAL", $total_belanja) );
// Optional Data
// Total Pajak
if ( $data['trx']['pajak'] != 0 ) {
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisSejajar("PAJAK", $data['trx']['pajak']) );
// Total Diskon
if ( $data['trx']['diskon'] != 0 ) {
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisSejajar("DISKON", $data['trx']['diskon']) );
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisSejajar("TOTAL DISKON", ( $totalan - $data['trx']['diskon'] )) );
// Total Potongan Member
if ( $arrData['trx']['potongan_member'] != 0 ) {
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisSejajar("POTONGAN MEMBER", $data['trx']['potongan_member']) );
// Total Bayar
$bayar = ( $data['trx']['uang_diterima'] != 0 ) ? number_format( $data['trx']['uang_diterima'] ) : '-';
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisSejajar("BAYAR", $bayar) );
// Total Kembalian
if ( $data['trx']['diskon'] != 0 ) {
$totalan = ( $totalan - $data['trx']['diskon'] );
if ( $arrData['trx']['pajak'] != 0 ) {
$totalan = $totalan + ( ( $data['trx']['pajak'] / 100 ) * $totalan );
$grand_total = ( $totalan - $data['trx']['potongan_member'] ) + $data['trx']['pajak'];
$kembalian = $data['trx']['uang_diterima'] - $grand_total;
$text_kembalian = ( $data['trx']['jenis_pembayaran'] != 'Non Tunai' ) ? number_format( $kembalian ) : '-';
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisSejajar("KEMBALI", $text_kembalian) );
// End Total Kembalian
if ( $arrData['trx']['jenis_pembayaran'] == 'Non Tunai' ) {
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisSejajar("TEMPO", date( 'd/m/Y', strtotime( $data['trx']['jatuh_tempo']))) );
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisSejajar("UANG TITIP", number_format( $data['trx']['uang_titip'] )) );
$printer->text( $this->_buatBarisSejajar("HUTANG", number_format( $totalan - $trx['uang_titip'] )) );
// Membuat sub footer nota
$printer->setJustification(Printer::JUSTIFY_CENTER); // Setting teks menjadi rata tengah
$printer->text("Thanks for Shopping\n");
$printer->text("Xample Corp\n");
$printer->text("Bla bla bla\n");
// Get the data out as a string
$data = $connector->getData();
$raw_base64 = base64_encode($data);
// Close the printer when done.
return $raw_base64;
private function _buatBarisSejajar( $kolom1, $kolom2 )
$divider = str_repeat("-", 40);
$full_width = strlen($divider);
$half_width = $full_width / 2;
$rawText = str_pad($kolom1, $half_width);
$rawText .= str_pad($kolom2, $half_width, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
return $rawText . "\n";
private function _buatBarisContent( $kolom1, $kolom2 )
$divider = str_repeat("-", 40);
$full_width = strlen($divider);
$half_width = $full_width / 2;
$lebar_kolom_1 = 18;
$lebar_kolom_2 = 21;
// Melakukan wordwrap(), jadi jika karakter teks melebihi lebar kolom, ditambahkan \n
$kolom1 = wordwrap($kolom1, $lebar_kolom_1, "\n", true);
$kolom2 = wordwrap($kolom2, $lebar_kolom_2, "\n", true);
// Merubah hasil wordwrap menjadi array, kolom yang memiliki 2 index array berarti memiliki 2 baris (kena wordwrap)
$kolom1Array = explode("\n", $kolom1);
$kolom2Array = explode("\n", $kolom2);
// Mengambil jumlah baris terbanyak dari kolom-kolom untuk dijadikan titik akhir perulangan
$jmlBarisTerbanyak = max(count($kolom1Array), count($kolom2Array));
// Mendeklarasikan variabel untuk menampung kolom yang sudah di edit
$hasilBaris = array();
// Melakukan perulangan setiap baris (yang dibentuk wordwrap), untuk menggabungkan setiap kolom menjadi 1 baris
for ($i = 0; $i < $jmlBarisTerbanyak; $i++) {
// memberikan spasi di setiap cell berdasarkan lebar kolom yang ditentukan,
$hasilKolom1 = str_pad((isset($kolom1Array[$i]) ? $kolom1Array[$i] : ""), $lebar_kolom_1);
$hasilKolom2 = str_pad((isset($kolom2Array[$i]) ? $kolom2Array[$i] : ""), $lebar_kolom_2, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
// Menggabungkan kolom tersebut menjadi 1 baris dan ditampung ke variabel hasil (ada 1 spasi disetiap kolom)
$hasilBaris[] = $hasilKolom1 . " " . $hasilKolom2;
// Hasil yang berupa array, disatukan kembali menjadi string dan tambahkan \n disetiap barisnya.
return implode("\n", $hasilBaris) . "\n";
And after we created the above libraries, now we communicate with PrintNode and send raw bas64 to the destination printer.
$credentials = new PrintNode\Credentials\ApiKey( $apiKey );
$client = new PrintNode\Client( $credentials );
$printJob = new PrintNode\Entity\PrintJob( $client );
$rawPrintGenerator = new RecieptPrinter();
$receipt = $rawPrintGenerator->raw_base64( $data );
$printJob->printer = PRINTER_ID;
$printJob->contentType = 'raw_base64';
$printJob->content = $receipt;
$printJob->source = "Your printer source";
$printJob->title = "Your title job";
$printJobId = $client->createPrintJob($printJob);
echo $printJobId;
and done, check the printer activity records in the PrintNode dashboard. Hopefully this article can help, if you have suggestions or questions, please write in the comments.