Day 1 - Hi, I started learning with AWS and I'll share what i learn each day and if you find something wrong then let me know

Deepak Mathur - Jun 15 - - Dev Community

AWS (for AWS cloud practitioners)

  • AWS stands for amazon web services nad It is the first large scale cloud service provider in 2006 with s3 service.

  • Ways of Interactions with AWS

    • Using AWS Console(via GUI)
    • Using AWS CLI (via command line or terminal)
    • Using AWS SDKs (via some programming language code)
  • As a beginner in AWS i've learned the following concepts

  • Traditional IT services pros and cons

    • Pros
    • You can customize the whole infrastructure
    • Better Security because all data center is under your control
    • Consequences
    • Scaling take time
    • Poor return of investment
    • Physical safety (means if some Person can physically damaged your servers or resources then your data will be gone.
    • Cooling of servers is also one problem
  • Cloud Computing -> It is on demand of delivery of IT resources, particularly computing power, application hosting and even more

  • Types of Cloud Models

    • Cloud -> In this model all your resources is on the cloud
    • On Premises -> In this model not a single resources is on cloud.
    • Hybrid -> In this model here some of the resources are on the cloud and som of them are in own data centers. (Hybrid= cloud +On premises)
  • Benefits of Clouds:-

    • Go Global in minutes
    • With the help of it sites can go global in minutes.
    • Stop focusing on the data centers and instead of it focus on the customers
    • Stop Guessing the Capacity of your resources instead of it use AWS
    • Trade Upfront Expenses for Variable Expenses
    • It means like it is better to spend a little than spend a lot.

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