Using SQLite in React Native: Installation and Usage Guide

Pradeep - May 1 - - Dev Community

SQLite is a popular relational database management system that provides a lightweight and self-contained solution for storing and managing data. In React Native development, SQLite can be a powerful tool for building offline-first applications, caching API responses, and managing local data storage.

To use SQLite in your React Native project, you'll need to install the react-native-sqlite-storage package. Follow these steps to get started:

Install the Package: Run the following command in your project directory to install the react-native-sqlite-storage package:

npm install react-native-sqlite-storage

Link the Library (for React Native < 0.60): If you're using a React Native version less than 0.60, you need to link the native dependencies by running:

react-native link react-native-sqlite-storage

Getting Started

Now that you have SQLite installed in your project, you can start using it to manage local data storage, cache API responses, or implement other data management features. Here's a basic guide to get you started:

  1. - Initialize SQLite Database: Open or create a new SQLite database in your React Native application. You can use the react-native-sqlite-storage package to initialize and interact with the database.
  2. - Perform Database Operations :Perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on your SQLite database. You can execute SQL queries to insert, retrieve, update, or delete data from tables in the database.
  3. - Handle Errors and Edge Cases: Handle errors gracefully and consider edge cases such as database versioning, migrations, and transaction management. Proper error handling ensures the reliability and stability of your application.

Let's break down the steps page by page and file by file:

  1. Database Setup (Database.js):
import SQLite from 'react-native-sqlite-storage';

const db = SQLite.openDatabase(
  { name: 'mydatabase.db', location: 'default' },
  () => { },
  error => { console.error('Error opening database:', error); }

export default db;

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  1. API Caching Functions (APIUtils.js):
import db from './Database';

// Function to insert or update data in the cache
export const cacheResponse = (url, data) => {
  const timestamp =;
  db.transaction(tx => {
      'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO api_cache (url, data, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
      [url, JSON.stringify(data), timestamp],
      () => console.log('Data cached successfully'),
      (_, error) => console.error('Error caching data:', error)

// Function to retrieve data from the cache
export const getCachedResponse = (url, callback) => {
  db.transaction(tx => {
      'SELECT data FROM api_cache WHERE url = ?',
      (_, { rows }) => {
        if (rows.length > 0) {
          const data = JSON.parse(rows.item(0).data);
        } else {
      (_, error) => console.error('Error retrieving cached data:', error)

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  1. API Fetching and Caching (VideoPlay.js):
import { cacheResponse, getCachedResponse } from './APIUtils';

// Function to fetch API data, cache it, and return it
const fetchAPI = async url => {
  try {
    const cachedData = await new Promise(resolve => getCachedResponse(url, resolve));
    if (cachedData) {
      console.log('Data retrieved from cache:', cachedData);
      return cachedData;
    } else {
      const response = await fetch(url);
      const data = await response.json();
      cacheResponse(url, data);
      console.log('Data retrieved from API and cached:', data);
      return data;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
    return null;

// Usage example:
const apiUrl = '';

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  1. Database Initialization (App.js):
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import db from './Database';

const App = () => {
  useEffect(() => {
    // Create a table to store cached API responses
    db.transaction(tx => {
        () => console.log('Table created successfully'),
        (_, error) => console.error('Error creating table:', error)
  }, []);

  return (
    // Your app components and navigation here

export default App;

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Use Cases
SQLite can be used for a variety of purposes in React Native applications:

  • Offline Data Storage: Store application data locally on the device, allowing the application to function offline or in areas with poor network connectivity.
  • Caching API Responses: Cache network requests and API responses to improve performance and reduce bandwidth usage. Cached data can be retrieved quickly without the need for repeated network requests.
  • Persistent Data Storage: Persist user preferences, settings, or application state across sessions by storing data in the SQLite database.
  • Data Synchronization: Synchronize local data with remote servers or other devices, ensuring consistency and integrity of the data across multiple sources.

SQLite is a versatile and powerful tool for managing data in React Native applications. By integrating SQLite into your projects, you can leverage its capabilities for offline data storage, caching, and synchronization, enhancing the user experience and performance of your applications.

In this guide, we covered the installation of SQLite in React Native, basic usage patterns, and common use cases for incorporating SQLite into your projects. With this knowledge, you're well-equipped to start using SQLite in your React Native applications and unlock its full potential for data management.

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