10 Must-Have Libraries & Frameworks to Boost your Django skills

Daniella Elsie E. - Jun 12 - - Dev Community

Building a Django project is like making a pizza.

1️⃣ First, you need your main ingredients which are models, views, templates. But to really make it shine, you need the right toppings which are the powerful libraries and frameworks.

》》》》Here's the thing: there are tons of options out there, and wading through them all can feel like trying every flavor of ice cream at the store and that can lead to brain freeze.《《《《

But fellow Django devs, I got you covered.

I've compiled a list of 10 fantastic tools that'll help boost your development process.

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1. Django REST Framework (DRF):
Do you love APIs? Then DRF is your new best friend. It makes building robust and secure Web APIs a breeze, so you can connect your Django app to the outside world with ease.

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2. Django Debug Toolbar:
Have you ever spent hours squinting at code, muttering to yourself, "Why isn't this working?" Well, the Django Debug Toolbar is a solution for debugging woes. It gives you a real-time view of what's happening inside your app, making it a lifesaver for identifying and fixing those pesky errors.

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3. Django Crispy Forms:
Building forms can feel overwhelming. But Django Crispy Forms provides beautiful and responsive pre-built forms, so you can ditch the boilerplate code and focus on making your forms user-friendly and functional. Now imagine creating forms that are as easy to use as your favorite food delivery app – that's the Crispy Forms magic!

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4. Django Extensions:
It streamlines common tasks like creating users, managing migrations, and debugging. Basically, it's a toolbox full of helpful utilities that'll make your development life easier.

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5. Django-Allauth:
Adding authentication to your app can be a headache sometimes but Django-Allauth helps by offering support for popular social logins like Google and Facebook. This lets your users sign up and log in with ease, keeping them happy and coming back for more.

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6. Django Filter:
Django Filter helps users navigate through large datasets by providing filtering options. Think of it as the filter on your Instagram feed, letting users find exactly what they're looking for in your app.

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7. Django Celery:
Building features that take a long time to run in the background (like sending emails or processing data) can slow down your app. Django Celery tackles this by offloading these tasks to a background queue. Imagine your app smoothly handling background tasks while you keep working on other features – that's the Celery advantage!

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8. Django Storages:
Need to store user uploads or media files for your app? Django Storages lets you integrate with cloud storage services like Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage. This frees up valuable space on your server and lets you focus on the core functionality of your app.

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9. Django-ckeditor:
Want to give your users a rich text editing experience? Django-ckeditor integrates the popular CKEditor library into your Django forms, allowing users to format text, add images, and create beautiful content. Basically, it lets your users become mini-content creators within your app – perfect for blogs, wikis, or any other content-driven features.

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10. Cookiecutter Django:
Starting a new Django project often involves repetitive setup tasks. Cookiecutter Django takes the hassle out of this by providing a template for creating new projects with a pre-configured structure.

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So, there you have it 👏! These 10 libraries and frameworks are just a taste of the amazing tools available for Django developers. What are your favorite Django tools? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, and let's keep the Django community growing strong 💪!

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