What is the balance between learning and posting content?

Tharun Shiv - Jun 24 '20 - - Dev Community

Hey all,
Recently I've been getting this doubt of what the balance between creating content vs learning new things should be. I have put forward my thoughts about this here, but most importantly, I am seeking your opinion on it.

Tweet by @ben

What I think is,

One has to focus on gaining a lot of knowledge and then post content when he is confident enough about what he is trying to convey. It also depends on your experience and the knowledge you already have.


  • If you are in a student or a fresher level, then I think you should spend most of your time learning and trying to improve your skills.
  • If you are somewhere experienced, you have to equally focus on learning and also putting out content.
  • If you are well-experienced, I think you should do a lot of content.

What this will enable is:

  1. It will make sure that you don't deliver the wrong content
  2. It makes sure that you learn a lot and grow career vice
  3. It will also ultimately make sure that you have a lot more content to put forward.

Live stream your coding

I also came across a recent post on Dev.to which asks us to live stream our coding process. This is a great idea and help which we can do for each other and I've been thinking about this for quite some time. What do you think about this?

This is my current perspective on this topic. Feel free to disagree with it, debate about it, and put forward your perspective and experience on this.


  1. Is it mandatory to post content of any form at all?
  2. If yes, what is the balance that one must hit?

Written by,

Thank you for reading, This is Tharun Shiv a.k.a Developer Tharun

Tharun Shiv

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