Take me to a Beach! T-T

Dhrutisundar Sahoo - Jun 1 - - Dev Community

This is a submission for [Frontend Challenge v24.04.17]((https://dev.to/challenges/frontend-2024-05-29), Glam Up My Markup: Beaches

What I Built

I was trying to build a table on a beach that would show different beaches in the form of cards. I wanted to give it a relaxed and "beachy" look with the help of textures and warm colors.


I have made this for PC screens only(Pardon me for being lazy). Best viewed in 1024x532.

Keyboard Inputs are also supported:

SpaceBar: To begin exploring.
Left and Right Arrows: To navigate the gallery.
Escape: To exit the gallery and move to landing page.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Edit: I am facing some issues with applying a hosted font on codepen. Make sure you check out netlify site as well :)

View the full code here
Hosted on Netlify as well


I was excited to participate in the frontend challenges(Yes! This is the first time :P). When I saw the topic, I started diving deep into all kinds of illustrations(Freepik) and fonts(Google Fonts and Google Search :P) I could collect to get something into shape.

I thought showing different beaches on paper cards would be simple and cool. So, I dived into Figma and built a desktop screen for the landing page.

Given that beaches are filled with shuttle movements of nature(waves, wind and creatures), I wanted to add some transitions and animations with the help of GSAP. I was also dreaming of putting a crab that would randomly crawl in and out, but I decided to be happy with being able to imagine it.(Laziness-2 Me-0)


Illustrations: Freepik
Beach Images: Google Images
Fonts: Beach, Josefin Sans
Transitions: GSAP

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