Inspiring web designers and developers to follow on Twitter

Diona Rodrigues - Oct 6 '20 - - Dev Community

Although Twitter has been around for a long time, this social media remains one of the popular resources to keep us updated in our professional area.

Below is a short list of profiles of web designers and front-end developers that I usually follow on twitter. There are people from different areas in the world of web design: UX design, web accessibility, development.. I hope you like it! 👍

Donald Norman - @jnd1er

Don is one of the most important UX designers of the world. Besides he coined the term “user experience”, he's also the author of the famous book called “The Design of Everyday Things”. He’s not very active on his personal twitter but you can follow some profiles related to him: @interacting and @NNgroup.

Lea Verou - @LeaVerou

See how she describes herself on her twitter: “I ♥ standards, code, design, UX, life!”. I had the pleasure of speaking with her at a conference on front-end development in Brazil and she is really passionate about CSS and the web. She is a researcher at MIT CSAIL and has given over 100 talks at web design/web development conferences around the world.

Chris Coyier - @chriscoyier

Co-founder of CodePen, creator of the awesome CSS Tricks and podcaster at ShopTalk Show, Chris is a well known person of the web design/development world and his twitter account is very active.

Debra Ruh - @debraruh

Expertise with standards and legislation including the United Nations Convention of Rights for Persons with Disabilities, Debra shares many important content about web accessibility on her Twitter.

Wes Bos - @wesbos

Wes is a web developer with 20 years of experience who loves to teach. He is known for his courses on JS and React and also for his amazing web development podcast called Syntax (a project done in conjunction with Scott Tolinski - @stolinski).

Jen Simmons - @jensimmons

Jen is a designer and developer advocate for Mozilla and a member of the CSS Working Group. She regularly tweets inspirational content about the tech industry (like diversity and representation) and shares things related to CSS in general.

Steve Krug - @skrug

As he described himself: “better known as the guy who wrote Don't Make Me Think and Rocket Surgery Made Easy”. Krung is a specialist in usability and a world reference on the subject.

Sara Soueidan - @SaraSoueidan

Sara is a design engineer, author and speaker all over the world. Her passion is in front-end development with a focus on JavaScript, HTML, CSS and the supporting web ecosystem. In 2015, she was voted Developer of the Year at Awards.

Zeno Rocha - @zenorocha

Zeno is a front-end developer who really makes a difference. He likes to share knowledge and build fantastic tools for the community - such as the Drácula Theme, for example. He also has spoken in over 110 conferences all over the world and recently he released a great ebook called 14 Habits of Highly Productive Developers.

Ire Aderinokun - @ireaderinokun

She co-founded BuyCoins, a cryptocurrency exchange for Africa. Ire is a frontend developer and user interface designer specialized in the core frontend technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and passionate about all aspects of technology. On your twitter you will see several useful content about front-end development in general.

Brad Frost - @brad_frost

He’s a web designer and the author of Atomic Design (a famous scalable way to create and maintain robust design systems). In his profile, he shares many things related with web design in general.

Denise Jacobs - @denisejacobs

Author of The CSS Detective Guide, she is also a speaker and creativity evangelist. As Denise is interested in the science of creativity, we can find a lot about this subject on her twitter.

Eric Elliott - @_ericelliott

Eric is a veteran javascript developer. He is the author of famous books on JS - such as Programming JavaScript Applications - and his twitter contains a lot of excellent content about this programming language.

Léonie - @LeonieWatson

Léonie is totally involved with accessibility and inclusive design. She’s a member of the W3C Advisory Board and co-Chair of the W3C Web Applications Working Group. If you're looking for technical and inspirational content about accessibility, take a look at her profile.

Zeldman - @zeldman

“King of Web Standards”, as Bloomberg Businessweek magazine said. He co-founded a publisher company called A Book Apart, which created some brief and famous books for people who make websites.

These people are making the web easier for all of us. They inspire me a lot and I hope you have the same experience as well. 😍

If you follow other awesome inspiring designers and developers, please leave comments below. See you next time! 😁

Really appreciate it.

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