My Journey from Beginner to Contributor: Embracing the Hacktoberfest Challenge
A month ago, I was just starting in programming. Terms like GitHub, open-source contributions, and pull requests felt intimidating. But then, while scrolling through LinkedIn, I discovered Hacktoberfest.
Why not give it a try? I have nothing to lose and a lot to learn.
That moment changed everything for me.
Diving into the Challenge
From picking projects to raising issues, and figuring out GitHub to submitting pull requests, every step was a new challenge. At first, it was tough, but my determination, along with support from helpful seniors, project owners, and YouTube tutorials, kept me going. I’m excited to share that I completed all four contributions, worked on two different projects, and added my profile to DevDisplay.
Here’s a Quick Look at My Contributions:
1 Project: Resum-Resume
Pull Request 1: Link to Pull Request
Description: This pull request addresses #520 Proposal to Fix Syntax Errors in style.css. I identified several issues including missing semicolons after CSS properties, duplicate value assignments that could lead to confusion, and an incomplete CSS block due to missing closing braces. Additionally, I noted unnecessary text that cluttered the CSS, contributing to a cleaner codebase.
Pull Request 2: Link to Pull Request
Description: Fixing CSS Layout Issues for Improved User Experience
In this pull request, I addressed several layout issues within the Resum-Resume project to enhance the overall user experience. Key changes include:
Corrected Margins and Padding: Adjusted the margins and padding in the CSS files to ensure consistent spacing across different elements, resulting in a more visually appealing layout.
Responsive Design Enhancements: Modified media queries to improve the responsiveness of the site, ensuring it looks great on various screen sizes, including mobile devices.
Alignment Fixes: Ensured proper alignment of text and elements, which enhances readability and overall aesthetics.
2 Project: WordWise
Pull Request 3: Link to Pull Request
Description: In this pull request, I found duplicate position property assignments (relative and sticky) within the style.css file. This could lead to conflicts in styling for the navbar. I also noted that the layout-container class was used inconsistently across multiple HTML files, which affected the navbar's visibility and behavior during scrolling.
3 Community: DevDisplay
Pull Request 4: Link to Pull Request
Description: In this pull request, I added my profile for DevDisplay, contributing to the community by showcasing my work and enhancing the project's visibility. This addition helps others discover my contributions and encourages collaboration within the open-source community.
Connect with Me!
If you want to see more of my work, check out my GitHub: GitHub LinkedIn: LinkedIn LeetCode profile: LeetCode email: email
What I Learned from Hacktoberfest
Hacktoberfest was more than just an introduction to open source; it helped me build confidence. I learned to trust myself, keep learning, and tackle challenges head-on. Thanks to the Hacktoberfest community, I’m now contributing to GSSoC, and I’m proud of how much I’ve grown!
A Note for Other Beginners
If you’re just starting out, I encourage you to take that first step! There are many resources and a supportive community ready to help you along the way. I’m excited to continue my journey and can’t wait to join Hacktoberfest again next year!