The Shift In Tech

divineikechukwu - Jun 28 - - Dev Community

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Being a tech bro. or sis. and working a 9-to-5 job was something many of us took pride in during the COVID-19 period. Many of us made an impressive amount of money just pursuing our passion back then. But, I hate to say it, that era is fading. Some big companies are being forced to lay off their skilled workers simply because they no longer need them. You probably get the gist by now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying tech itself is dying off. I’m only saying that certain jobs or skills are becoming less essential to learn.

With the growth in AI over recent years, tech is shifting, and you need to keep up. Why hire someone to do a ten-hour job when an AI can do it more efficiently in three seconds? This is the thinking driving the change I'm writing about.

For developers, you might have heard of Devlin, the first ever proclaimed AI programmer. It was quite popular earlier this year. While most developers panicked and a few dismissed it as just an idea, you should realize that with the current level of innovation and competition in AI, it's only a matter of time before we see something even better than that Devlin concept.

This isn't to scare any particular niche or job; it’s simply an awareness that tech is shifting! AI is coming for some of our jobs, whether we like it or not. It's changing not just the tech world but everything that relies on it. And we both know that almost everything nowadays depends on technology. Even business founders and owners are starting to realize the shift in technology. Previously, it was enough to have a good product online, make it easily accessible, and generate sales. Today, customers want more; they want to connect with you, not just the brand. That's why you see most CEOs like Elon Musk and Tony Elumelu on social media platforms like TikTok, X, and LinkedIn, talking about their businesses instead of leaving it all to the marketing team.

So, what can you do to stay relevant? Well, as a techie, this feeling shouldn’t be new to you. What do you do when a new framework comes out or when you’re troubleshooting a bug for hours? You start learning and digging again. In tech, knowledge itself fades; you have to keep updating it with new information. It’s a struggle. Trust me, I understand.

Another way is to start being creative. If you see a pattern in something that can be learned with the right rules, know that AI can replace you in that task. It’s only a question of when. Do things entirely differently, so that even if an AI can do it, it will be said that it cannot do it like you. For example, this very writing is different from any generated article you will ever come across because I wrote it as if it had my voice in it. This is exactly how I would have spoken to you if I were telling you these things.

Also, I just want to remind you: AI is your friend. The mistake many of us make is seeing it as a competitor. No! It’s a friend—an assistant friend, at that. We can choose to have it on our side. It’s an added advantage to our existing strengths, and we shouldn’t ignore that. If you’re into content writing, for example, don’t just generate text from ChatGPT like most people. Be creative, do your own writing, and maybe use AI only to check for errors and conduct research. Just don’t be lazy with AI.

In conclusion, if there’s anything I want you to take away from this short piece, it’s the awareness that the tech world is shifting, and you need to adapt. One way is to be creative with whatever you’re currently doing. Be adaptable like flowing water. Keep leveling up your skills to stay relevant. It’s easier to learn every day to keep up than to wake up and find that the world you’re living in is in the past.

Let's stop here for now. You can check out my next article where I will reveal the new currency in today's world. Trust me, you won't want to miss that.

So, what do you think? Do you agree with my perspective, or do you think otherwise? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. I want to learn too 😊

Thank you for reading this far. Much appreciated.

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