The Unexpected Bug That Became My Best Teacher

Akshay Joshi - Aug 19 - - Dev Community

In the fast-paced world of software development, bugs are like uninvited guests at a party—they show up when you least expect them, and they can be hard to get rid of. But every so often, a bug comes along that does more than just disrupt your code. It teaches you something invaluable. This is a story of one such bug.

The Setup

It was a typical Wednesday afternoon, and I was neck-deep in code, trying to implement a seemingly straightforward feature for an e-commerce platform. The task was simple: add a discount feature that would automatically apply to eligible products during checkout. I had done this a dozen times before. Piece of cake, right?

I wrote the code, tested it locally, and everything worked like a charm. Satisfied, I pushed the changes to the staging environment, confident that I’d soon be basking in the glory of a successful deployment.

The Bug Appears

As soon as the changes hit staging, things started to go sideways. The discount feature was working, but it was being applied to every product, not just the eligible ones. Panic set in. How could something so simple go so wrong?

I dug into the code, searching for the root cause. After hours of debugging and rewriting, I was stumped. The logic was sound; the tests passed. Yet, the bug persisted. I was about to throw in the towel when I remembered something my mentor once told me: “When you can’t find the bug in your code, it’s probably in your assumptions.”

The Revelation

I took a step back and reviewed everything from the top. That’s when it hit me: the problem wasn’t in the code; it was in the data. I had assumed that the product data in the staging environment was identical to my local setup. But in reality, the staging data had some edge cases I hadn’t accounted for.

I quickly wrote a few more tests, this time using data that better mirrored the staging environment. Sure enough, the bug reared its ugly head in my local environment as well. Armed with this new knowledge, I was able to identify and fix the issue in no time.

The Lesson

This experience was a harsh but necessary reminder that assumptions can be deadly in software development. It’s easy to assume that everything will work as it did in your local environment or that your data is pristine. But in the real world, data is messy, edge cases are everywhere, and assumptions are often your worst enemy.

Since that day, I’ve made it a habit to challenge my assumptions early and often. I now include more varied and realistic data in my tests and double-check my understanding of the problem before diving into the code. This bug, annoying as it was, became one of my greatest teachers.


Bugs are inevitable, but they’re also opportunities in disguise. Each one has the potential to teach you something new—about your code, your approach, or even yourself. The next time you encounter a bug, don’t just fix it. Learn from it. You might be surprised at how much it has to offer.

This blog post was inspired by countless late-night debugging sessions and the endless pursuit of clean, bug-free code. If you’ve had a similar experience or have your own coding anecdotes, feel free to share them in the comments below!

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