Simple thoughts

Douglas Makey Mendez Molero - Jul 2 - - Dev Community

If you read an article that interests you and you enjoy it, or if you watch a video, consider leaving a message or a reaction. I don't consider myself a content creator, but I genuinely enjoy writing my articles and sharing them with others. For me, it's incredibly rewarding if just one person finds my articles helpful or at least interesting to read.

When someone leaves a comment or reacts, it makes all the hours I spend preparing the content feel worthwhile. I know you don't have to do it—it's not mandatory—but next time, think about spending a few seconds to make the hours others spend creating content worth it. ❤️

I'm not the only one who feels this way. I sometimes think my content might not be too interesting, but there's a lot of amazing content out there. So, next time, consider the effort and dedication people put into creating great content. Your engagement will make them happy!

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