Create a simple web app with Deno's Fresh

dunkbing - Nov 11 '23 - - Dev Community

Hi everyone! In this post, I'll guide you through creating a simple website using the Fresh framework and explore its various features.

Fresh is a full-stack JavaScript framework built on Deno. It's easy to set up and comes with cool features like quick rendering, no build step, built-in Typescript support, and island architecture (partial hydration).

What Am I Building?

I'm creating a straightforward speech-to-text web app using the Google Translate API. Check out the live demo app here. You can find the complete code for this tutorial in my GitHub repository.


  • Deno 1.3x
  • Familiarity with React and TypeScript

Creating a New Fresh App

Run the following commands to generate a new Fresh application:

deno run -A -r text2audio
cd text2audio
deno task start
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Visit localhost:8080 to explore your new Fresh app.


The project you create will include three main folders:

  1. routes: Handles routing, similar to frameworks like Next.js. Each file corresponds to a route or pattern, and each folder represents a sub-route. Routes can have handlers to manage the verb and define actions like rendering or returning a response.

  2. static: Stores static assets resolved using "/" in HTML templates and CSS files. Caching can be managed using assets.

  3. islands: Contains interactive islands in your project. Each file's name corresponds to the defined island. The code within this folder can run on both the client and server.

Writing the Frontend and the API

Let's implement a Text Form and an API endpoint:

1) Text Form: Utilizes a POST form to submit to the /audio API to generate audio. Check out the code here.


2) API: Creates an API endpoint /api/audio with a POST request to generate audio from text. View the code here.

Additionally, I use DenoKV to store the total generated audio, which looks like this:

   async function increaseTotalAudio(num: number) {
     try {
       const voicesEntry = await kv.get(voicesEntryKey);
       const currentTotal = voicesEntry.value;
       await kv.set(voicesEntryKey, currentTotal + num);
     } catch (error) {
       console.error("increaseTotalAudio error", error);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

For storing and serving audio files, I use Cloudflare R2, an S3-compatible storage service.


The site is deployed with Deno Deploy, linking your Git repository to a Deno project on Deploy.


Alternatively, you can use Docker with the provided Dockerfile.


Fresh excels at boosting performance, as verified through PageSpeed Insights, generating a comprehensive report with all tested metrics.



Fresh is an interesting framework, targeting monolithic applications, especially those combining frontend and backend with robust SSR. Despite some limitations, Fresh shows promise for a bright future. I hope you find this post helpful!

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