Cost of Delay (CoD) and Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF)

Dylan Lynch - Feb 21 - - Dev Community



This project explores Cost of Delay (CoD) and Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) as decision-making frameworks to prioritize tasks in a financial setting.

Key Features:

  • Linear, Exponential, Deadline Based models
  • WSJF prioritization applied to credit union loan processing
  • Visualizations of decision-making impact


  • Auto Loans should be processed first because they generate high revenue in less time.
  • Mortgage Loans follow since they generate a lot but take longer.
  • Personal Loans are last due to their lower revenue impact.

Why This Matters

Prioritization is crucial in finance, product development, and project management.

WSJF helps teams maximize value while minimizing delays.

Repository and Code

GitHub Repo: dylanomics/CoD
