Immutability: what a monster...

Michael Arnaldi - Jan 1 '23 - - Dev Community

So, you heard about immutability and all the sweet that comes from it, but what is it actually?

We'll be using TypeScript in this article, but the same principles apply to different languages.

In simple words, immutability means that a value can never be changed or, in a deeper sense, that the observable behaviour of a value can never be changed.

When you deal with immutable values, you can always safely "capture" them because you know that they will never change – doing the same with mutable values requires making a copy.

Let's have a look at some usage of immutable code:

let arr: ReadonlyArray<number> = []

while (arr.length < 10) {
  const newArr = [...arr, arr.length]
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 0)
  arr = newArr
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When executed, this code will produce on the console every number between 1 and 10 (included).

If we were to do the same with mutable code, we would get to a totally different result. Let's have a look:

const arr: Array<number> = []

while (arr.length < 10) {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 0)
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This code will instead print 10 times the number 10.

What we've done here is showcase what "capture" means, the call to setTimeout takes a reference from the local scope and carries it across to a different scope; setTimeout will always execute after all the sync operations in our program are done.

At that point, in the first example, we get effectively 10 different arrays, each with different lengths, while in the second example, we get a single array containing all the numbers from 0 to 9 (having a length of 10).

Copy On Write

The technique we used in the previous example is commonly known as "copy on write", meaning whenever we intend to "mutate" something, we create a new copy of it, which allows the initial structure (pre-mutation) to remain unchanged (aka frozen).

We can see that no changes happen to the original structure by using Object.freeze that will raise an error anytime something is mutated:

let arr: ReadonlyArray<number> = Object.freeze([])

while (arr.length < 10) {
  const newArr = Object.freeze([...arr, arr.length])
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 0)
  arr = newArr
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The same technique can be applied to objects and generally any structure that can be "cloned".

All good, isn't it? Well, all good, except made for performance, cloning becomes progressively expensive as things grow.

const copyOnWrite = (n: number) => {
  let arr: ReadonlyArray<number> = []
  while (arr.length < n) {
    const newArr = [...arr, arr.length]
    arr = newArr

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This program will produce:

copy-on-write-10: 0.074ms
copy-on-write-100: 0.093ms
copy-on-write-1000: 1.034ms
copy-on-write-10000: 82.26ms
copy-on-write-100000: 52.010s
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Clearly, this becomes prohibitive very quickly, especially in problems of unbounded size (where you don't know the size of the structures you'll need to clone).

So, is immutability screwed for good? No... but copy on write is.

Persistent Data Structures

I won't go into all the details and techniques around Persistent Data Structures. If you're interested in the topic in more details, I can recommend following the amazing course by Erik Demaine entitled "Advanced Data Structures" consumable, for free, from the MIT opencourseware platform:

For the sake of this article, we'll say that persistent data structures are data structures that remember their history and each new "copy" shares as much as possible with the original.

In the case of the example seen earlier, a persistent array structure should remember and share all the elements with the previous one instead of having to clone everything every time.

Let's do the same example using a persistent array. We will use the "Chunk" data structure from the new @fp-ts/data that is based on the following paper:

import * as Chunk from "@fp-ts/data/Chunk"

const copyOnWrite = (n: number) => {
  let arr: Chunk.Chunk<number> = Chunk.empty()
  while (arr.length < n) {
    const newArr = Chunk.append(Chunk.size(arr))(arr)
    arr = newArr

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As we can see the code looks almost the same as the previous one but its execution doesn't even compare:

persistent-10: 0.534ms
persistent-100: 0.728ms
persistent-1000: 1.493ms
persistent-10000: 14.425ms
persistent-100000: 10.705ms
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It may seem surprising that 100000 is even faster than 10000, that's because V8(the JS engine behind Node.js) was able to JIT optimize the code.

The point is that the complexity doesn't grow with size and all the previous references can be captured safely as they are still valid.

Magic? feels like it sometimes.


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Why the Record & Tuple proposal is bad?

It conflates immutability with copy on write & structural freeze, and its implementation doesn't allow for custom types to be mixed in, so when used it's an all-in.

Overall, if accepted, I feel it would slow the adoption of proper immutable data structures in a close to non-reversible manner, and it will be ignored by the functional community that immutability targets in the first place and where the concept of immutability comes from.

What would be better?

As you can see from this article, it is already possible to do everything we need to do, but some custom syntax is nice; namely the proposal would allow records and tuples to be compared using === and to be created using #{ a: 0 } / #[0, 1, 2], which is arguably a nice to have.

An example of it would be the operator overloading proposal that would allow overriding ===, and it would also solve in one shot many other problems (like numeric types extension, pipeable operator, and all the ones listed in the proposal).

In addition to that, a custom # operator could be added to create objects & arrays using a prototype that overloads === making it value based.

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