Scrape peraturan BPK dengan PHP, DiDOM dan Supabase

Eko Priyanto - Mar 2 - - Dev Community

Image description
Direktori Peraturan di Indonesia saat ini:

  • JDIHN (lambat)
  • Peraturan BPK (yang kita coa kali ini)
  • (belum nyoba)
  • lainnya? (beritahu saya)

DiDOM adalah Simple and fast HTML and XML parser
Kalau mungkin sudah terbiasa dengan simple html dom maka DiDOM ini adalah alternatif yang lebih modern.

Pertama kita buat table di Supabase

CREATE TABLE peraturan_bpk (
    tipe_dokumen TEXT,
    judul TEXT,
    t_e_u TEXT,
    nomor TEXT,
    bentuk TEXT,
    bentuk_singkat TEXT,
    tahun TEXT,
    tempat_penetapan TEXT,
    tanggal_penetapan TEXT,
    tanggal_pengundangan TEXT,
    tanggal_berlaku TEXT,
    sumber TEXT,
    subjek TEXT,
    status TEXT,
    bahasa TEXT,
    lokasi TEXT,
    bidang TEXT,
    judul_singkat TEXT,
    brief TEXT,
    abstract TEXT,
    catatan TEXT,
    nama_file TEXT,
    link_download TEXT,
    status_peraturan TEXT,
    status_peraturan_item TEXT,
    url_id TEXT
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Script lengkap + simpan ke supabase

ini_set('display_errors', 0);

// Supabase API Config
$supabaseUrl = '';
$supabaseKey = 'Nd14s3nd4sm03';

$tabel = 'peraturan_bpk';

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use DiDom\Document;

function safe_url($text) {
    return trim(preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/i', '_', strtolower($text)), '_');

function cleanText($text) {
    if (!is_string($text) || empty(trim($text))) {
        return '';
    $text = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $text);
    $text = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9 .,;-]/', '', $text);
    return trim($text);

$start = 314198;

for ($i = $start; $i >= 0; $i--) {

        $uri = "$i";
        $html = @file_get_contents($uri);

        if ($html === false) {
            echo "\033[33m [$i] \033[0m  \e[31m [GAGAL]  \e[0m page not found \n";

        $data = array();
        $document = new Document($html);

        if ($document->has('.fs-6')) {
            $keys = [];
            $vals = [];

            $key_divs = $document->find('.col-lg-3');
            foreach ($key_divs as $key_div) {
                $keys[] = safe_url($key_div->text());

            $val_divs = $document->find('.col-lg-9');
            foreach ($val_divs as $val_div) {
                $vals[] = cleanText($val_div->text());

            $keys = array_slice($keys, 0, 17, true);
            $vals = array_slice($vals, 0, 17, true);
            $data = array_combine($keys, $vals);
        } else {
            echo "\033[33m [$i] \033[0m  \e[31m [GAGAL]  \e[0m belum ada isinya \n";

        $data['judul_singkat'] = cleanText($document->first('h1')->text() ?? '');
        $data['brief'] = $document->has('.card-body p') ? cleanText($document->first('.card-body p')->text()) : '';

        if ($document->has('.dash')) {
            $abs = [];
            $li_abstract = $document->first('.dash')->find('li');
            foreach ($li_abstract as $a) {
                $abs[] = cleanText($a->text());
            $data['abstract'] = implode('<br />', $abs);

            if (isset($document->find('.dash')[1])) {
                $cat = [];
                $li_catatan = $document->find('.dash')[1]->find('li');
                foreach ($li_catatan as $c) {
                    $cat[] = cleanText($c->text());
                $data['catatan'] = implode('<br />', $cat);
        } else {
            $data['abstract'] = '';
            $data['catatan'] = '';

        if ($document->has('.fs-6')) {
            $div_download = $document->find('.fs-6')[1];
            $link = $div_download->find('a');
            if (isset($link[0]) && isset($link[2])) {
                $data['nama_file'] = cleanText($link[0]->text());
                $data['link_download'] = '' . $link[2]->getAttribute('href');

        if ($document->has('.fs-6') && isset($document->find('.fs-6')[2])) {
            $div_status = $document->find('.fs-6')[2];

            $data['status_peraturan'] = $div_status->has('.bg-light-primary') ? cleanText($div_status->first('.bg-light-primary')->text()) : 'Belum Tersedia';

            $lsp = [];
            $li_status_peraturan = $div_status->find('li');
            foreach ($li_status_peraturan as $li) {
                $lsp[] = cleanText($li->text());
            $data['status_peraturan_item'] = implode('<br />', $lsp);

        $data['url_id'] = $i;

        // Hapus field kosong/null
        $data = array_filter($data, function($value) {
            return $value !== null && $value !== '';

        // Simpan ke Supabase
        $ch = curl_init("$supabaseUrl/rest/v1/$tabel");  // Ganti `peraturan` dengan nama tabel di Supabase
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [
            "Content-Type: application/json",
            "apikey: $supabaseKey",
            "Authorization: Bearer $supabaseKey",
            "Prefer: resolution=merge-duplicates"
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data));

        $response = curl_exec($ch);
        $httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

        if ($httpCode === 201 || $httpCode === 200) {
            echo "\033[33m [$i] \033[0m \033[32m  [SUKSES]  \033[0m   Simpan ke Supabase \n";
        } else {
            echo "\033[33m [$i] \033[0m  \e[31m [GAGAL]  \e[0m menyimpan data ke Supabase \n Status: \033[34m $response \e[0m \n";

    unset($html, $document, $data);

    usleep(rand(100000, 9900000));
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Jalankan di terminal CPanel

nohup php script.php > output.log 2>&1 &
nohup php script.php
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kalau di CPanel lihat lognya
Lognya di file nohup.out

Mematikan proses berjalan dengan nohup

pgrep -f script.php

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