The Most Underrated Benefits of Working Remotely💼🌎

Eleftheria Batsou - Jul 17 - - Dev Community

Hello, amazing people! A while ago I asked you on X:

and I got some great answers that I thought to write an article.

My Experience & Why I Work From Home 🤗

I started working remotely during the pandemic but it has always been my dream to work remotely (I was 15y.o. when I learned that people can stay home and work). See, I'm introverted and I don't do well with chit-chat, sometimes I have social anxiety and my heartbeat goes up for no particular reasons (don't worry, from a medical perspective I'm fine, I'm doing health exams every summer). So, as you can probably understand I love working from home... I like the quiet, taking my coffee on my own time, eating the foods I want, not having to deal with cars or public transportation, etc. But let's see what other people! 🏠

I tried to categorize the most common answers based on 300 responses from people all around the world:

  1. Flexibility (breaks, starting times, and personal errands)

  2. Comfort (own furniture, pajamas, personal clothing style)

  3. Saving Time (no commuting, no unnecessary meetings)

  4. Personal Environment (own bathroom, own snacks, no judgment)

  5. Family Time (seeing kids and spouse more often)

  6. Health and Wellness (sleeping in, home-cooked meals, gym time)

  7. Reduced Pressure (less scrutiny, asynchronous communication)

This article is based on these. 👆

The Flexibility of Remote Work 🏠

Working remotely provides unparalleled flexibility. You can set your own schedule, take breaks when you need them, and even run personal errands throughout the day. One respondent mentioned that they love being able to squeeze in a workout or a walk whenever they want, proving that remote work can truly help maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Comfort in Your Own Space 🍵

Remote work allows you to create a comfortable environment that suits your personal preferences. You can work from your cozy couch, your dedicated home office, or even from your bed if you want. Many of you mentioned the joy of working in pajamas, and not having to worry about office-appropriate attire or makeup. As one of you rightly pointed out, you can even develop your own personal clothing style.

Saving Valuable Time ⌛

One of the most highlighted benefits of remote work is the time saved on commuting. This time can be used for personal development, spending time with family, or simply getting a good start to the day. One user mentioned using the saved time to upskill themselves, a great way to boost your career while working remotely.

But also saving time in communication!

Creating a Personal Work Environment💻

Working from home allows you to customize your work environment to your liking. From having your own private bathroom to snacking all day without judgment, the perks are endless. Plus, there's less likelihood of interruptions from colleagues, which many of you appreciated for boosting your productivity.

More Quality Time with Family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Remote work means more time with your loved ones. Several of you mentioned how you love being able to see your spouse, kids, or pets during breaks. The ability to witness your kids' milestones or simply share more meals with your family is indeed a priceless advantage of remote work.

Prioritizing Health and Wellness 💪

Working from home can also contribute to better health and wellness. Whether it's getting extra sleep in the morning, cooking healthy meals at home, or having time for the gym, remote work certainly promotes a healthier lifestyle. One respondent mentioned eating less fast food and more home-cooked meals, highlighting the nutritional benefits of remote work.

The Reduced Pressure of Working Remotely 🩺

At home, there's less pressure to constantly appear busy. You can work at your own pace without the stress of being continuously scrutinized. Asynchronous communication also reduces pressure, as one of you pointed out, there are no more unnecessary meetings as everything can be handled via emails or messages.


In conclusion, remote work comes with numerous underrated benefits that can significantly improve your lifestyle. From providing flexibility to promoting health and wellness, working remotely might just be the future of work.

Thank you all for sharing your experiences and insights, and here's to more productive and comfortable remote work!

👋 Hello, I'm Eleftheria, Community Manager, developer, public speaker, and content creator.

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