How to Installing a Laravel app on Heroku with Database?

Ellis - Nov 9 '20 - - Dev Community

Prerequisites :

  • Php and Laravel knowledge
  • Heroku user account
  • Heroku toolbet (Heroku CLI)
  • Git

Create the project

Any way you like, get your Laravel application initialized.

laravel new laravel-heroku
cd laravel-heroku
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Add your Procfile

As per the documentation, By default, Heroku serves the files from the root index. So to tell Heroku to serve the app from public/ directory, you have to make a Procfile.

web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public/
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Initialize the git repo

OK, our code is ready to go. Let's get it into git.

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
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Create the Heroku app

Since you have the Heroku Toolbelt installed, you can create and modify your apps directly from the command line.

heroku create
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± heroku create
Creating app... !
 ▸    Invalid credentials provided.
heroku: Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit:
Logging in... done
Logged in as
Creating app... done, ⬢ app-name-here |
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Add an APP_KEY
Generate a new key:

php artisan key:generate --show
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Copy the output of that, and then run this command:

heroku config:set APP_KEY=the_key_you_copied_here
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Setting config vars and restarting ⬢ app-name-here... done, v3
APP_KEY: the_key_you_copied_here
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Deploy your code to the Heroku app

With Heroku, you push new code to your site by pushing to the heroku git remote.

git push heroku master

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----> Launching... done, v3 deployed to Heroku
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Now it is deployed on heroku. And your laravel app is on url.


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