How I Managed To Overcome My Backend Challenges & Voyage Through The HNG Internship

Emmanuel Aboyeji - Jun 27 - - Dev Community

I am a backend developer with 3 years of experience, and I've always wanted to understand how web applications work behind the scenes. Problem-solving challenges, system optimization to achieve perfection is what brings the inner child of enthusiasm in me. Today, I am happy to announce a recent challenge I had and how i tackled it as well as what is coming forth on my adventure with the HNG Internship.
Today, while working on my own project which is a book recommendation web app; last month I faced the similar problem. What was the challenge? It was simply building better queries to the database that lessened what have been lengthy load times without compromising any accuracy within recommendations. The application was grinding to a halt as the dataset increased in size, compromising the user experience.
This is how I handled the problem:

  1. Bottleneck: I used database profiling tools to find the laggard queries resulting in slow performance.
  2. Query execution In the process of analyzing: I dissected the queries that were having issues with their plans, loads of table scans and joins were among things i noted.
  3. Database Indexing: Using the analysis as a guide, I built forward-looking indices on common query columns to significantly speed up lookups.
  4. Caching hot data: I introduced Redis cache to maintain books recommendation from vital, this led loading on the database reduced.
  5. I wrote a bunch of user sessions in Apache JMeter to simulate lots of traffic, and then spent significant time profiling my solution using the sample data. That controlled experience also taught me to never lose focus of what can go wrong and how caching, at its absolute best in backend development, was a marvel,- even when crucial code written by your own hands fails disastrously! Which further supports me that the best solution is usually an amalgamation of different techniques and not just one technique. So as I get set to start my journey with the HNG Internship, I am already looking forward renewing developing backend skills. This reputation, of the program being high-discipline and innovative is exactly in line with what I wanted. I am really looking forward to working with other high-level developers and creating projects that are truly innovative in the web development space. For me, The HNG Internship is about more than learning - it's an opportunity to unite around a shared purpose of creativity and problem solving with the same values in mind frameworks - the best possible answer given all context instead point. These are ideals and values that I hold dearly, and I look forward to supporting them with our team throughout the program. I look forward to working on new challenges and gaining some technical-professional growth throughout the HNG Internship. I highly recommend you check out the HNG Internship program if this article has made it clear that frontend is not your thing or backend programming drives transformation in every of being and come along on an adventure with me! Perhaps you want to get even the best out of the internship, subscribe to the HNG premium where you'll have access to HNG Network, You gain access to remote job offers, tech talks, coding gigs, annual meetups, networking opportunities, and engaging discussions. Finally, if you're looking to hire talents in front end development backend development, data analysis, project management, UI/UX design, DevOps, Mobile development, video editing, cloud computing for your projects or to recruit into your organization, you could visit HNG hire where you'll meet world class talented professionals. Whatever you're aiming for, you can get it. Cheers !