Svelte vs React : What you should know before you chose one ?

Engineering Expert - Sep 5 '23 - - Dev Community

Svelte vs React is one of the hottest topics in front end engineering these days. However it is bit like comparing Cybertruck with Ford F150.

React is a bit like F150, heavily used, millions of websites are built using it handling all kind of scale. There is a huge community of developers and module builders who have solved nearly all major problems you are likely to encounter.

Svelte on other hand is a bit like Cybertruck. It looks promising, some have used it but still remains far away from being battle tested. Even if Svelte convinces everyone that it is better, it is still decades away from threatening React because React is already very popular and has mass adoption.

Frankly, I think Svelte is an interesting framework but right now I do not see the need to switch to it for your next project unless you are building something that requires exceptional performance optimizations.

I find it a bit annoying that even in year 2023 we have to worry about CSS and JS minification and optimizations. This problem should have been solved from grounds up years ago. How many complex technologies do you really need to achieve the exact same objective ?

An entire framework built just to do that as first class citizen feature is awesome but I am not convinced that is really needed. React is able to build high performance pages pretty much like any other framework and Svelte is only marginally better.

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