Save and Restore Window Configuration in Emacs

Erick 🙃 Navarro - May 17 '19 - - Dev Community

When we are using emacs sometimes we often open many buffers in different windows at the same time, for example we can have a buffer for a opened file, another for seeing test results and so on.

There are some tools to manage "sessions" but I wanted something simple and I also wanted to learn a little bit more of elisp so here is the result.

(defvar window-snapshots '())

  (defun save-window-snapshot ()
    "Save the current window configuration into `window-snapshots` alist."
    (let ((key (read-string "Enter a name for the snapshot: ")))
      (setf (alist-get key window-snapshots) (current-window-configuration))
      (message "%s window snapshot saved!" key)))

  (defun get-window-snapshot (key)
    "Given a KEY return the saved value in `window-snapshots` alist."
    (let ((value (assoc key window-snapshots)))
      (cdr value)))

  (defun restore-window-snapshot ()
    "Restore a window snapshot from the window-snapshots alist."
    (let* ((snapshot-name (completing-read "Choose snapshot: " (mapcar #'car window-snapshots)))
           (snapshot (get-window-snapshot snapshot-name)))
      (if snapshot
          (set-window-configuration snapshot)
        (message "Snapshot %s not found" snapshot-name))))

The code basically do 3 things:

  • Define an alist where window configurations will be saved
  • Save the current window configuration using a name to be identified later.
  • Restore any of the saved configurations by selecting it from a list

Now let's get into the details:

Save the current window configuration

We will use the function current-window-configuration to get the current state of the windows and put this value in an alist called window-snapshots. Also it should asks for a name so we can search for it later.

(defvar window-snapshots '())

  (defun save-window-snapshot ()
    "Save the current window configuration into `window-snapshots` alist."
    (let ((key (read-string "Enter a name for the snapshot: ")))
      (setf (alist-get key window-snapshots) (current-window-configuration))
      (message "%s window snapshot saved!" key)))

Restore a window configuration

We will use completing-read to select one of the saved snapshots from an interactive list. It will use helm 1 or ivy 2 if any of those are installed otherwise it will show the options in the minibuffer.

This will show the name used before and retrieve the value of the window configuration. Then it will apply the configuration using set-window-configuration.

(defun get-window-snapshot (key)
    "Given a KEY return the saved value in `window-snapshots` alist."
    (let ((value (assoc key window-snapshots)))
      (cdr value)))

  (defun restore-window-snapshot ()
    "Restore a window snapshot from the window-snapshots alist."
    (let* ((snapshot-name (completing-read "Choose snapshot: " (mapcar #'car window-snapshots)))
           (snapshot (get-window-snapshot snapshot-name)))
      (if snapshot
          (set-window-configuration snapshot)
        (message "Snapshot %s not found" snapshot-name))))

  1. [return]
  2. [return]
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