Don’t build a design system—build what you actually need

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 9 - - Dev Community

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Don't Build a Design System—Build What You Actually Need

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Don't Build a Design System—Build What You Actually Need

In the world of design and development, the term "design system" has become a buzzword. It promises efficiency, consistency, and scalability. But often, the pursuit of a perfect, all-encompassing design system can lead to overengineering and unnecessary complexity.

This article challenges the traditional approach to design systems, advocating for a more pragmatic, needs-driven approach. We'll explore the dangers of blindly building a system, delve into the importance of understanding your actual needs, and provide practical tips for building a tailored solution.

The Drawbacks of Overengineering Design Systems

While a robust design system can be incredibly beneficial, overengineering can lead to several drawbacks:

  • Increased Development Time:
    Building a comprehensive system requires significant upfront investment, slowing down initial development.

  • Complexity and Maintenance Overhead:
    The larger the system, the more difficult it is to maintain and update, leading to potential inconsistencies.

  • Lack of Flexibility:
    A rigid system can stifle creativity and make it harder to adapt to new design trends or changing user needs.

  • Unnecessary Components:
    Including components that are rarely used adds bloat and complexity, hindering efficiency.

Overengineered design system concept

Focus on Your Actual Needs

Instead of blindly following the "design system" trend, ask yourself these critical questions:

  1. What are the specific problems you're trying to solve?
    Are you struggling with inconsistency, poor usability, or slow development cycles?

  2. What are the most frequently used design patterns and components in your project?
    Identify the core elements that drive your user experience.

  3. What are the design principles that guide your product?
    Establishing clear principles helps you make consistent design decisions.

  4. What are the technical constraints and limitations of your project?
    Consider your development environment, team size, and time constraints.

By focusing on your actual needs, you can create a tailored solution that's efficient, maintainable, and flexible.

Building What You Need: A Practical Approach

Here's a practical approach to building a solution that addresses your specific needs:

  1. Start Small

Don't aim for perfection from the start. Begin with a small, focused set of components and patterns that address your most pressing needs. You can always expand later as your requirements evolve.

  • Prioritize Reusability

    Identify components and patterns that can be reused across multiple parts of your project. This will save time and ensure consistency.

    Reusable design component

  • Use a Modular Architecture

    Design your system with modularity in mind. This allows you to easily add, remove, or modify components without affecting the rest of the system.

  • Embrace Tooling

    Leverage design tools and libraries that streamline your workflow. This includes:

    • Component libraries: React, Vue, Angular, and other frameworks offer built-in component libraries.
    • Style guides: Style guides like Stylelint and Prettier help maintain consistency and enforce coding standards.
    • Design systems platforms: Tools like Zeroheight, Storybook, and Figma can help document and manage your system.

  • Document Your Decisions

    Clear documentation is essential for maintaining consistency and ensuring everyone on your team understands your design choices.

    Example: Building a Button Component

    Let's consider a simple example: building a button component. Instead of creating a massive button system with every conceivable variation, we'll focus on the most common use cases.

    // Button component in React
    import React from 'react';
  • const Button = ({ type, children, onClick }) => {
    let className = 'button';
    if (type === 'primary') {
    className += ' primary';
    } else if (type === 'secondary') {
    className += ' secondary';

    return (



    export default Button;

    This simple component handles primary and secondary button styles, with the ability to customize the button type and add onClick functionality.

    As your needs evolve, you can expand the component by adding more styles, variations, and features. Remember, prioritize reusability and keep the component modular.


    Building a design system is not a one-size-fits-all solution. A more effective approach is to focus on your actual needs and build a tailored solution that addresses your specific challenges. Start small, prioritize reusability, and leverage tooling to streamline your workflow.

    By embracing a needs-driven approach, you can create a design system that is efficient, maintainable, and flexible, enabling you to build great products and deliver exceptional user experiences.

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