Monorepo – The Magic of One Repo you must know as full stack developer

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

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Monorepo: The Magic of One Repo You Must Know as a Full-Stack Developer

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Monorepo: The Magic of One Repo You Must Know as a Full-Stack Developer

As a full-stack developer, you often work across multiple layers of a software application, from the front-end user interface to the back-end data management. Managing dependencies, coordinating code changes, and ensuring consistency across these layers can be challenging. This is where the concept of a monorepo comes into play, offering a powerful solution for streamlining development workflows and improving overall productivity.

What is a Monorepo?

The term "monorepo" stands for "monolithic repository." In essence, it's a version control strategy where all the code for a project, regardless of its various components or services, is stored in a single repository. This is in contrast to the traditional "multirepo" approach, where each component or service has its own separate repository.

Monorepo vs. Multirepo

Benefits of Using a Monorepo

Adopting a monorepo approach offers several advantages for full-stack development teams:

  1. Improved Code Visibility and Collaboration

Having all code in one place fosters a more transparent and collaborative environment. Developers can easily navigate and understand the entire codebase, leading to better communication and faster knowledge sharing. This also encourages cross-team contributions and reduces silos.

  • Streamlined Dependency Management

    In a multirepo environment, managing dependencies between different services can be complex and error-prone. A monorepo simplifies this by allowing you to define dependencies within the single repository. This ensures consistency and avoids version conflicts across the entire project.

  • Enhanced Code Reuse

    The central repository facilitates easier code sharing and reuse. Developers can readily access and leverage existing code components from other parts of the project, promoting DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles and reducing redundancy.

  • Simplified Testing and CI/CD

    Testing and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) processes are simplified in a monorepo. You can define and execute tests across the entire project in a single run, ensuring consistent code quality. CI/CD pipelines become more streamlined, as deployments can be triggered for the whole project with a single command.

  • Reduced Build Times

    Monorepos can optimize build times by allowing tools to effectively cache dependencies and code changes. Since the build process operates on a unified codebase, it can leverage shared resources and optimize compilation steps. This results in faster build times and quicker turnaround times for development cycles.

    Tools for Monorepo Management

    Several tools are available to help you effectively manage a monorepo. Some of the most popular ones include:

  • Lerna

    Lerna is a popular open-source tool that provides a powerful command-line interface for managing JavaScript monorepos. It simplifies tasks like versioning, publishing, and running scripts across multiple packages within the repository.
    Lerna Logo

    npm install -g lerna

  • Nx

    Nx is a powerful build system and development tool for monorepos. It provides features like smart caching, parallel execution, and dependency management, optimizing build times and improving developer productivity.
    Nx Logo

    npm install -g @nrwl/cli

  • Turborepo

    Turborepo is a high-performance build system designed for monorepos. It leverages a sophisticated caching mechanism and parallel execution to drastically reduce build times.
    Turborepo Logo

    npm install -g turbo

  • Bazel

    Bazel is a scalable build and test tool used for managing large codebases, including monorepos. It offers features like parallel execution, caching, and hermetic builds to optimize build performance and improve code reliability.
    Bazel Logo

    # Install Bazel from the official website:

    Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Monorepo

    Let's walk through a practical example of setting up a monorepo using Lerna for a full-stack web application:

  • Project Initialization

    First, initialize your project directory and create a new Lerna repository:

    mkdir my-monorepo
    cd my-monorepo
    lerna init

  • Defining Packages

    Create separate packages within the monorepo for different components of your application:

    lerna create @my-monorepo/ui
    lerna create @my-monorepo/api

  • Package Management

    Install dependencies for each package using npm or yarn:

    cd @my-monorepo/ui
    npm install --save react react-dom
    cd ../api
    npm install --save express

  • Defining Dependencies

    Specify dependencies between packages in the package.json file of the root directory:

    "workspaces": [
    "dependencies": {
    "@my-monorepo/ui": "workspace:",
    "@my-monorepo/api": "workspace:*"

  • Running Scripts

    Lerna allows you to run scripts across multiple packages. You can define scripts in the package.json file of each package:

    // @my-monorepo/ui/package.json
    "scripts": {
    "build": "webpack --config webpack.config.js"

    Run scripts across all packages using Lerna:

    lerna run build

    Managing Monorepo Challenges

    While monorepos offer significant benefits, it's important to address potential challenges:

  • Complexity

    Maintaining a large monorepo can become complex as the project grows. Clear organization, proper documentation, and efficient tooling are crucial for keeping the codebase manageable.

  • Build Times

    Build times can increase as the codebase expands. Optimizing dependencies, using efficient build tools, and leveraging caching mechanisms can help mitigate this issue.

  • Security

    Having all code in one repository presents potential security risks. Implementing strong access controls, code review practices, and regular security audits are essential to protect the project.


    The monorepo approach has gained immense popularity in software development, particularly for full-stack applications. It promotes better code visibility, collaboration, and efficiency by centralizing all code in a single repository. While challenges exist, the benefits of streamlining dependencies, improving testing, and fostering a more unified development experience outweigh them. As a full-stack developer, understanding the concept of monorepos and the tools available for managing them can significantly enhance your productivity and contribute to the success of your projects.

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