What is React? An Overview of React.js Concepts and Terminology

WHAT TO KNOW - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

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What is React? An Overview of React.js Concepts and Terminology

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What is React? An Overview of React.js Concepts and Terminology

React, also known as React.js, is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook (now Meta) for building user interfaces (UI). It's a popular and powerful tool that enables developers to create dynamic, interactive, and scalable web applications. React's declarative nature, component-based architecture, and efficient rendering make it an excellent choice for building complex front-end applications.

React logo

Why React?

Here are some reasons why React has become so widely adopted:

  • Component-Based Architecture:
    React encourages breaking down user interfaces into reusable components. This promotes code modularity, maintainability, and faster development.

  • Virtual DOM:
    React uses a virtual representation of the DOM (Document Object Model), which allows for efficient updates. When data changes, React updates only the affected parts of the virtual DOM, improving performance.

  • Declarative Programming:
    React uses a declarative approach, where you describe what the UI should look like instead of explicitly specifying how to update it. This leads to cleaner and more maintainable code.

  • Large and Active Community:
    React has a vast and active community, providing ample resources, libraries, and support for developers.

  • Suitable for Single-Page Applications (SPAs):
    React is well-suited for building SPAs that provide a smooth user experience with minimal page reloads.

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR):
    React offers server-side rendering capabilities, improving SEO and initial page load times.

Core Concepts

  1. Components

React applications are built using components. A component is a self-contained unit of UI that encapsulates its own logic, styling, and behavior. Components can be nested within each other to create complex user interfaces.

function Welcome(props) {

Hello, {props.name}

; }


In this example,


is a component that receives a


prop and renders a heading with a greeting.

  1. Props

Props (short for "properties") are used to pass data from parent components to child components. They are read-only and immutable within the receiving component.

  • State

    State represents the internal data of a component that can change over time. It's managed by the component itself and can trigger re-renders when updated.

    class Counter extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
      this.state = { count: 0 };
    handleClick = () => {
      this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 });
    render() {
      return (

    Count: {this.state.count}

    Increment ); } }

    Here, the Counter component has a state variable count . Clicking the button updates the state, triggering a re-render.

  • JSX

    JSX (JavaScript XML) is a syntax extension for JavaScript that lets you write HTML-like structures directly within your JavaScript code. It improves readability and helps write UI elements in a more declarative manner.

    const element = 

    Hello, world!


  • Virtual DOM

    React uses a virtual DOM, an in-memory representation of the actual DOM. When changes happen in the application's state, React calculates the difference between the virtual DOM and the real DOM and efficiently updates only the necessary parts of the actual DOM. This process significantly improves performance, especially for large and complex applications.

    Virtual DOM

  • Lifecycle Methods

    Components in React have lifecycle methods that are invoked at specific points in their lifecycle. These methods allow you to perform actions like initializing state, setting up event listeners, and cleaning up resources when a component mounts, updates, or unmounts.

    class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
      // Perform actions after the component mounts
    componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
      // Perform actions after the component updates
    componentWillUnmount() {
      // Perform cleanup actions before the component unmounts

  • Hooks

    Hooks are functions that let you "hook into" React features like state, lifecycle methods, and context without writing class components. They simplify component logic and make React more flexible.

    import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
  • function Counter() {
    const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

    useEffect(() =&gt; {
      // Perform side effects (e.g., fetch data)
    }, []);
    return (
        <p>Count: {count}</p>
        <button =="" onclick="{()"> setCount(count + 1)}&gt;Increment</button>


    In this example,


    hook is used to manage the


    state, and


    hook is used to perform side effects.

    Working with React

    1. Setting Up a React Project

    You can use Create React App (CRA) to quickly set up a React project. CRA provides a ready-to-use development environment with all the necessary dependencies and configuration.

    npx create-react-app my-react-app
    cd my-react-app
    npm start

  • Creating Components

    Create new components as separate JavaScript files (e.g., MyComponent.js ) and define them as functional or class components. Use JSX within your components to define the UI.

    // MyComponent.js
    import React from 'react';
  • function MyComponent(props) {
    return (




    export default MyComponent;

    1. Importing Components

    Import your components into the main app file (usually App.js ) and use them within the JSX structure.

    // App.js
    import React from 'react';
    import MyComponent from './MyComponent';

    function App() {
    return (


    export default App;

    1. Managing State

    Use the useState hook to manage state within your components. Update the state by calling the setter function passed by useState .

    function Counter() {
    const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
    return (

    Count: {count}

    setCount(count + 1)}>Increment ); }

  • Handling Events

    Use event handlers (e.g., onClick , onChange ) to respond to user interactions within your components. These handlers can update state, call functions, or perform other actions.

    function MyComponent() {
    const handleClick = () => {
      console.log('Button clicked!');
    return (
      Click Me

  • Conditional Rendering

    You can use conditional statements within JSX to render different UI elements based on certain conditions.

    function MyComponent() {
    const showMessage = true;
    return (
        {showMessage && 

    This message is shown.

    } ); }

    Key Libraries and Tools

    • React Router: For handling navigation and routing within your React application.
    • Redux: A state management library for complex applications. It helps centralize and manage state across multiple components.
    • React Query: A library for data fetching and caching that simplifies asynchronous operations.
    • Styled Components: A CSS-in-JS library that allows you to style React components using JavaScript. It helps keep styles organized and maintainable.
    • Storybook: A tool for creating interactive documentation and UI components.


    React is a powerful and versatile JavaScript library that offers a robust framework for building user interfaces. Its component-based architecture, virtual DOM, and declarative approach make it an efficient and enjoyable tool for developers. Whether you're building single-page applications or complex web applications, React's flexibility and vast ecosystem can help you create engaging and interactive user experiences.

    Key takeaways:

    • React is a component-based library for building user interfaces.
    • Components are reusable building blocks of React applications.
    • State management, JSX, and lifecycle methods are fundamental concepts in React development.
    • Hooks provide a modern and efficient way to manage state and side effects.
    • React is supported by a thriving community and a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools.
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