Ddosify Latency Testing GitHub Action

Fatih Baltaci - Jan 9 '23 - - Dev Community

In this article, we will demonstrate how to use the Ddosify GitHub Action to periodically test the latency of our target endpoints from 60+ cities worldwide. By configuring the action to run on a schedule, we can ensure that the performance of our locations is consistently monitored. If the latency of any of our locations exceeds the expected value, we will receive an email notification alerting us to the issue. By using this action, we can proactively identify and address potential performance issues before they impact our users.

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Ddosify Latency Testing GitHub Action

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Ddosify Latency Testing Action

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Ddosify Latency Testing Action

Ddosify's Latency Observation Action allows you to measure the latency of endpoints from 60+ cities around the world With this action, you can track the performance of your endpoints over time and ensure that they are meeting your desired latency targets. Whether you are running a web application, a mobile backend, or any other type of service, this action can help you monitor the latency for the best user experience.

It is easy to use - just add it to your workflow and configure the request details. You can specify the Target URL, Locations and Fail If scenarios to fail the pipeline based on latencies. This action uses Ddosify Latency Testing API under the hood.

⚠️ This action uses Ddosify Cloud API Key that you can store in Github Secrets.


input required default example description
api_key true Ddosify Cloud API Key. Instructions are
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