HTML tips and tricks.

Firas Lajmi - Jun 19 - - Dev Community

In my very last article I shared some JavaScript tips and tricks In this article I will be covering HTML tips and tricks ✨.

The start attribute
Start attribute allows you to specify starting number for your list items.

 <ol start="20">
       <li>Greenapple 🍏</li>
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3 items of fruits starting from 20 20 is specified using the start attribute3 items of fruits

The contenteditable attribute
Set contenteditable attribute to true and your content will be editable.

It Can be something about you.

GIFillustration of editable paragraph achived using contenteditable attribute

The required attribute
Set required attribute on input fields that are mandatory to be filled.

<input type="password" required>
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The mark tag
Use mark instead of styling spans to highlight text.

 <p>This is <mark>important</mark> </p>
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highlighted text achieved with mark tag

The lazy loading attribute
Add lazy loading attribute on media elements this will enhance page performance by defer the loading of media elements until the user scrolls to them.
Alternative text
The kbd tag
Use kbd tag when presenting keyboard inputs.

Press alt & tab to change window

illustration for kbd tag

The Details & Summary tag
You can craft nice looking accordions using details and summary elements this has built built in keyboard accessibility features.

      <summary>Can i save and love ❤️ this article?</summary>
      <p>Follow on twitter for more stuff.</p>
      <p>Save for updates.</p>
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GIFaccordion with question and answer

The accept attribute
Accept attributes allows us to specify which types of files user can upload.

<input type="file" accept=".jpg, .pdf">
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The favicon
Set link rel to icon to define favicon

<link rel="icon" href="logo.webp">
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The picture tag
Picture tag allows you to present images of different aspect ratios based on screen sizes picture tag is awesome for implementing reponsive web design.

    <source srcset="large.webp" media="(min-width: 1200px)">
    <source srcset="medium.webp" media="(min-width: 800px)">
    <img src="regular.jpg" />
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The dir attribute
You can set your text direction from right to left or left to right using direction set dir to auto this will automatically change text direction based on language.


some text written from right to left

The spellcheck attribute
Use spellcheck attribute to check for spelling errors.

The meta description
Add meta descriptions in the head of your Html to have an indirect impact on search engine optimization meta description represents the text that appears beneath the site name on search engine result page. url with output of meta description

The abbr tag
Abbreviate your content using abbr tag.

<abbr title="National Aeronautics and Space Administration">NASA 🚀</abbr>
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GIFAbbreviation of word showing on hover over the word

The disabled attribute
Use disabled attribute for options element to disable a item from dropdown.

   <option disabled>REACT</option>
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GIFUnable to select a option from list because of disabled attribute

The poster attribute
Poster attributes allows you to specify a image to be displayed while the video is downloading or until the user hits the play button.

The reversed attribute
Using reversed attribute you can reverse the order of list numbers.

  <ol reversed>
        <li>Greenapple 🍏</li>
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list numbers starting in reversed order starting from 3 and ending at 1 instead of 1 to 3

Hope you enjoyed reading this article! if you have something to say or have any questions feel 💯 free to comment below.

Happy Coding ✨❤️

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