node unsupported engine when updating npm

Florian Zeba - Jan 6 - - Dev Community

When error occurs: “unsupported engine” while trying to update npm to 10.1. a solution is to use nvm.

It does not solve the underlying problem in itself but it is a workaround.

With nvm it is possible to manage node versions on the system and easily install and use more then one node version in parallel.

  1. Installing nvm

  2. Using nvm

  3. Installing oh-my-zsh-nvm plugin (when zsh is in use)

A list of useful nvm commands:


nvm ls // list installed node versions
nvm ls-remote // list available node versions
nvm install 10.1 // install node version 10.1
nvm use 10.1 // use node version 10.1
nvm alias default 10.1 // set node version 10.1 as default
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