______ _______ ______ ___ ___
/ || ____| / __ \ \ \ / /
| ,----'| |__ | | | | \ V /
| | | __| | | | | > <
| `----.| | | `--' | / . \
\______||__| \______/ /__/ \__\
CFox 0.0.4
cfox is a shell for eth dapp developers and provided, current supported commands includes:
help [command...] Provides help for a given command.
exit Exits application.
\e Export all datas in db.
\l [options] List all datas in db.
\c [options] Change current account or chain.
\a [options] Add a chain, account or token to db.
\r [options] Remove a chain, account or token from db.
qr [account] Generate a QR Code for an account, current account will be used when account is missing.
balance [options] Show a balance.
send [options] <target> <amount> Send a amount of token to a target account.
nft [options] <contract> Show all tokens owned by current account in the contract.
transfer <contract> <target> <id> Transfer a nft to a target account.
gp Show current gas price, if "baseFeePerGas" is not empty, then fast / standard / low are values of "maxPriorityFeePerGas". Otherwise, they are normal gas prices before EIP1559.
exec <contract> Execute any function in the contract definition.
query <contract> Query any event logs caused by the contract.
ens <value> Execute ENS action, the returned value depends on <value>: an ens name if it is an address; an address when it is an ens name.
wallets [options] Generate n wallets derived from a random wallet, following BIP-44
upload [options] Upload files to IPFS.
peek [options] Show metadata of a contract or a token.
nonce [account] Show current nonce details of an account, current account will be used when account is missing.
cancel [options] Cancel a tx sent by current account by nonce or transaction hash.
push <txHash> Speed up a tx.
keys [options] [name] [value] Configure api keys used by cfox, null will be used when no value is provided.
npm install -g cfox
cfox will ask the user to set the password on its first run:
______ _______ ______ ___ ___
/ || ____| / __ \ \ \ / /
| ,----'| |__ | | | | \ V /
| | | __| | | | | > <
| `----.| | | `--' | / . \
\______||__| \______/ /__/ \__\
CFox 0.0.4
This is your first time to run cfox, please do some configurations first.
Please set login password: ***
Please confirm the password: ***
Please input password: ***
Login successfully!
After that, since there are no wallets added the prompt will use ?
for current wallet:
The prompt format: cfox[current_wallet || current_network]
, both will be used by the provider or signer running the blockchain related command. You can use \c
to change them.
Now, it's time to create a wallet for playing. The simplest way is to run \a -a
, which will create an random wallet and set it the current wallet because there is no one.
cfox[?||mainnet]=# \a -a
✔ try to create a new account.
The last step of initialization is to set the keys used by cfox. You can find all the external apis supported by running keys -l
. Currently, the result:
cfox[0xBED16Cd70529D459f4A1A44D6Fe0c6B41364a00C||mainnet]=#keys -l
| name | value |
| infura | |
| morails | |
| nft.storage | |
You can always find the saved data in the home directory of cfox: "${USER_HOME}/.cfox".
For example, it is "~/.cfox" on linux or macos.
Each command has a detailed description and you can always know it by running help <command>
or <command> --help
. For example:
cfox[0xBED16Cd70529D459f4A1A44D6Fe0c6B41364a00C||mainnet]=# help qr
Usage: qr [options] [account]
Generate a QR Code for an account, current account will be used when account is missing.
--help output usage information
The commands using the external apis:
, it will use morails as a fallback for those contracts not implementingIERC721Enumerable
. -
, it depends on nft.storage api to fulfill uploading datas to IPFS.
- All command line arguments will be splitted by space.
- When passing arguments to an event query, missing means null.
Example #1: query all Transfer events in an range.
cfox[0xBED16Cd70529D459f4A1A44D6Fe0c6B41364a00C||mumbai]=#query 0x0dc5a5d352e55dbb3d27c462de6b506517b86443
Event Abi: event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)
event args (address,address):
start block (top n blocks if it is negative.): 30037846
end block: 30038856
✔ try to query event Transfer().
Example #2: query all Transfer(,to) events in an range.
cfox[0xBED16Cd70529D459f4A1A44D6Fe0c6B41364a00C||mumbai]=# query 0x0dc5a5d352e55dbb3d27c462de6b506517b86443
Event Abi: event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)
event args (address,address): 0x3B057FD4Ba20D2129b1DD5355CEDE95D4E990ab4
start block (top n blocks if it is negative.): 30037846
end block: 30038856
✔ try to query event Transfer(,0x3B057FD4Ba20D2129b1DD5355CEDE95D4E990ab4).
Example #3: query all Transfer(from) events in an range.
cfox[0xBED16Cd70529D459f4A1A44D6Fe0c6B41364a00C||mumbai]=# query 0x0dc5a5d352e55dbb3d27c462de6b506517b86443
Event Abi: event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)
event args (address,address): 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
start block (top n blocks if it is negative.): 30037846
end block: 30038856
✔ try to query event Transfer(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000).
git clone
this repository. -
npm i
to install all the dependencies. -
npm start
to start the shell. -
npm test
to test all the testcases.