Why I Built A Coding Libraries Store?

Frulow - Jan 12 - - Dev Community

I am going to keep it short and simple. It's a genuine problem that I want to solve.

Last year, I started working professionally on a project for a worldwide management consulting firm, where I was responsible for both backend and frontend development.

One thing I learned is that even big giants use packages and libraries extensively. As a developer, part of your responsibility is to find and obtain approval for the best package you come across.

However, not every project uses a single language, and not every package is built for all the languages out there. And even if you find a package that is worth it how do you know if it's worth it? Just because it has low open issues? Why not something to search packages based on categories keywords or language?

Does it make sense to read hundreds of blogs just to find one package you need? Right now, you might only need information on a package, not the actual code.

This, my dear friend, is a significant problem. When you work extensively in one programming language, you may conduct thorough research based on your experience to find the best possible package. But what if you switch to a new programming language? Are you going to repeat the entire process?

This is where my solution comes in. I've created a platform to simplify this process. Just as you are doing the work in one language, someone out there is doing the same in another language, and they possess valuable knowledge about that language. So, why not share this knowledge? Enter Frulow. You can easily share libraries, add them with useful tags, specify the languages or environments they support, and engage with others through comments and likes. Let others know which libraries are valuable to you.

Don't just roam around from one package manager's website to another. Frulow is the place for you to find the libs you need.

I understand this might not be enough, but I am continuously working to make a developer's life much easier day by day. I'm introducing more features to assist them.

Every beginning starts with a bit of support. I hope you all use this platform.

Official Website: https://www.frulow.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FrulowOfficial
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/99833747/admin/feed/posts/

Cover Image: Image by THAM YUAN YUAN from Pixabay

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