Key aspects to consider when building a digital transformation strategy

Gem Corporation - Dec 28 '23 - - Dev Community

The core drivers of a successful digital transformation strategy include three key aspects: effective leadership, committed staff, and solid tech infrastructure.

1. Visionary leadership for a successful digital transformation strategy

Leadership is the core driving force behind any successful digital transformation strategy. Leaders are expected to thoroughly understand the plan’s underlying goals and execution strategies. In addition, since they cannot succeed alone, leadership is also about collaborating smoothly with their juniors and executives. Leaders need to oversee and make sure their team is working toward a shared objective with their best endeavors.

Here a 5 typical traits of an excellent digital leader that will help navigate an excellent digital transformation strategy:

  • Being customer-centric and making sure the business development is fueled by customer needs
  • Having solid knowledge of technologies and how they can be integrated into the business’s processes
  • Possessing a strong sense of purpose and vision and the ability to communicate it to their members
  • Being agile and adaptive and always willing to embrace uncertainty or disruptions
  • Adopting a data-driven approach to decision-making

2. Maintaining excellent tech talent retention for a successful digital transformation strategy

It is becoming increasingly challenging to find excellent IT hires and retain them for a digital transformation strategy. Outstanding candidates choose an employer for reasons beyond income (though this is still a major factor). They also look for a working environment that helps sharpen their skills and accelerate their development as an individual. Therefore, business leaders are advised to rethink their office culture and encourage the active participation of tech talents in executing strategic goals, instead of treating them like “code writers”.

In addition to new hires, experienced leaders now focus on a more flexible approach: upskilling their current tech talent. With favorable conditions such as providing additional training, your organization can foster the formation of interdisciplinary knowledge that is needed to leverage new technologies.

3. Infrastructure enhancement to power a digital transformation strategy

Finally, a digital transformation strategy is unlikely to be successful if the organization’s existing system and infrastructure are inadequate.

Many business leaders choose to move their entire systems to a new platform – such as cloud. However, not all organizations are willing to move their entire system to the cloud due to concerns about its complicated, effort-intensive nature and data protection. Deloitte’s 2023 article proposed an increasingly popular approach – mainframe modernization with the help of digital technologies – such as AI and Big Data. They leverage these tools to extend the capabilities of their existing mainframe systems, whose indisputable advantages are longevity, high and steady performance, and high availability. This approach also minimizes the risks of data loss or disruptions.
Read full article at: Digital Transformation Strategy – Overview, Steps of creating, and Key aspects

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