Portfolio built with Typescript and Python

Giovani Fouz - May 9 - - Dev Community

Combining a portfolio and blog together in a Django project can be a great way to showcase your work as well as share your thoughts and experiences.

In building a portfolio and blog platform with React, Tailwind CSS, React Hook Form, Tanstack Query, Zod, React Router DOM, Zustand, and Django Ninja, you are tapping into a powerful combination of front-end and back-end technologies that offer a wide range of technical features and capabilities.

React is a highly popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, offering a component-based approach that promotes reusability, efficiency, and ease of development. With React's declarative syntax and virtual DOM, you can create dynamic and interactive UI components for your portfolio and blog.

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that streamlines the design process by providing a set of pre-built utility classes for styling elements. With Tailwind CSS, you can easily customize styling, maintain consistency across your project, and speed up development without writing custom CSS styles.

React Hook Form is a lightweight and performant form validation library for React applications. By leveraging React Hook Form, you can easily manage form state, handle form validation, and enhance user input experience in your portfolio and blog platform.

Tanstack Query is a powerful data fetching library for React applications that simplifies remote data fetching, caching, and synchronization with a robust query syntax. By integrating Tanstack Query, you can efficiently manage data fetching from the back-end and optimize the performance of your portfolio and blog.

Zod is a TypeScript-first schema validation library that provides a robust way to validate data structures and ensure data integrity in your application. By using Zod, you can define data schemas, validate input data, and handle error states with ease in your portfolio and blog platform.

React Router DOM is a routing library for React applications that enables declarative routing and navigation within your web application. With React Router DOM, you can define and manage routes, create nested navigation structures, and ensure seamless navigation between different pages in your portfolio and blog.

Zustand is a simple and flexible state management library for React applications that offers a minimalistic approach to managing global state. By leveraging Zustand, you can efficiently manage and share state across React components, handle complex data flows, and improve the performance of your portfolio and blog platform.

Django Ninja is a fast API framework for building web APIs with Django, providing a lightweight and intuitive approach to creating RESTful APIs. With Django Ninja as your back-end technology, you can effortlessly define API endpoints, handle data requests and responses, authenticate users, and interact with databases to power the dynamic content of your portfolio and blog platform. Integrated documentation generation in Django Ninja simplifies API documentation and client integration tasks

By harnessing the technical features of these front-end and back-end technologies, you can create a seamless and efficient portfolio and blog platform that delights users with responsive design, interactive functionality, secure data handling, and a smooth browsing experience.

I invite you to explore my GitHub repository to delve into the source code of the projects mentioned above and witness the full scope and intricacies of these innovative solutions. Dive into the code, explore the functionalities, and see firsthand how these technologies work together to create remarkable applications. Your visit to my GitHub repository would be greatly appreciated, and I look forward to sharing the details of these projects with you. Join me on GitHub to discover the good behind the code!


https://github.com/gfouz/react-ninja .git
https://github.com/gfouz/ninja-server .git

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