When accessing online accounts or secure areas, two key security concepts play a role: Authentication and Authorization. Both are essential, but they serve different purposes. Let’s explore the differences with clear examples and highlight security risks, such as brute-force attacks and username enumeration, that threaten them.
What is Authentication?
Authentication is all about verifying identity. In simple terms, it’s how a system checks if you are really who you claim to be.
Example: Imagine Carlos tries logging into a website with the username “Carlos123.” Authentication is the process that checks if Carlos is indeed the person who created that account by verifying his password.
What is Authorization?
Authorization comes after authentication. Once the system knows who you are, authorization decides what you are allowed to do.
Example: After Carlos logs in, his account permissions determine what he can access. For instance, he might be authorized to view personal data but not to delete another user’s account.
Brute-Force Attacks
A brute-force attack is when an attacker tries different usernames and passwords repeatedly to gain access. Often, this is done with automated tools that test a vast number of login combinations very quickly.
How Brute-Forcing Works
- Guessing Passwords: Attackers use common or predictable passwords, such as “Password123” or “Admin2023!” They might even try patterns based on the target, like adding “123” or “!” to simple words (e.g., “mypassword1!”).
- Automated Tools: Tools like Hydra or Burp Suite make it easier to brute-force logins at high speed, increasing the chances of guessing correctly.
Example: Carlos uses “Carlos2023” as a password. An attacker using a brute-force tool could guess this password if it tries combinations based on his name.
Brute-Forcing Usernames
Usernames often follow patterns, making them easier to guess.
Example: Many companies use email addresses as usernames, like “firstname.lastname@company.com.” High-level accounts often use simple names like “admin” or “administrator,” which attackers know to try first.
Checking for Publicly Visible Usernames
Attackers can look for usernames on public pages. Sometimes websites unintentionally reveal usernames through profile links or in HTTP responses, providing attackers with information for brute-force attempts.
Brute-Forcing Passwords
While strong passwords are harder to guess, attackers know common tricks users apply to meet password requirements. For example, users might change “mypassword” to “Mypassword1!” to meet complexity rules. Attackers exploit these patterns by targeting predictable variations.
Example: If the original password “mypassword” is too weak, the user might create “Mypassword1!”. Attackers know these patterns, making brute-force attacks more efficient.
Username Enumeration
Username enumeration allows attackers to discover valid usernames by observing system responses.
How It Works
When entering a correct username with a wrong password, some sites give a different error message than for an incorrect username. This helps attackers confirm if a username exists, reducing the work needed to brute-force the password.
Example: If Carlos enters “Carlos123” with an incorrect password, the site might say, “Incorrect password,” rather than “Username not found.” This confirms to an attacker that “Carlos123” is a valid username.
Acknowledgment: This document references information from PortSwigger Web Security and ChatGPT.