Comparing the differences between React and Angular

Kelvin Achi - Jun 28 - - Dev Community

Choosing the right frontend framework is crucial for building complex and efficient web applications. React and Angular are the two giants in this arena, each with its strengths, weakness, and passionate developer communities.

In this article, we'll explore the differences between React and Angular.

React, developed and maintained by Facebook, is a front-end developer JavaScript library that allows you to create a single-page application. it provides a flexible, performance-based solution for front-end developers using server-side rendering, allowing developers to create a seamless UX/UI. It follows the component-based architecture, where UIs are composed of reusable and independent components.

Angular, developed and maintained by Google, is a comprehensive framework for building web applications. It follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture and provides a full suite of features out of the box, including routing, forms, and HTTP client.

Although both serve similar purpose they feel radically different to code with. Angular is safe, solid and secure while React is the opposite to move fast and be chaotic.

In angular there is a coding and naming convention which is derived from the MVC model (model view controller). Each module in angular has a folder and within it each component has its own folder and these structures needs to be followed if you want the application to compile. While React has no pre-imposed structure as it is a library that can be used in whichever structure you choose. It doesn't have an mvc structure and doesn't impose a structure on the code. Its components is just a function that renders html directly, how to structure the code is in the developers hand.

Choosing the wrong structure can be costly which is why in angular the cost of choosing is removed from the developers hands as it chooses for you however that also comes at a cost as all the libraries and functionality of angular has to be learnt and understood to use it correctly this will take a some time to learn. While the main concepts of react can be learnt in a shorter time.

So in overview the main differences between them is angular favours larger components with more specific code, steeper learning curve, more complete scope, more convention and more safer while react leads to more focused components, more reusable and easy to pick up as it is more light weight, simpler scope, more flexible and more agile.

The choice of choosing a framework for your project depends on your personality as a developer if you prefer things to be standardized and secure then angular is the way to go but if need action and flexibility react is for you.

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