Linux 101: Part 3 - Decoding the Linux Prompt Structure & A Beginner's Guide to Essential Commands

Himanshu Bhatt - Feb 15 - - Dev Community

Understanding the Linux Prompt Structure

The Linux command prompt is an essential part of interacting with the system. It typically appears in the following structure:

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This structure provides vital information about the user, the machine, and the current directory. Let’s break it down and explore its variations for different users, directories, and the root user.

Breakdown of the Prompt

The general format of the Linux prompt is:

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  • user: The username of the current logged-in user.
  • host-name: The hostname of the machine (also known as the computer's name).
  • current-directory: The current directory where the user is working. The tilde (~) represents the user's home directory.
  • $: A symbol indicating that the user has standard privileges (if you see a #, it indicates root privileges).

Example of the Prompt for a Regular User

For a regular user named john on a system called ubuntu-server, if John is in the home directory, the prompt would look like this:

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This shows that:

  • john is the current user.
  • ubuntu-server is the hostname.
  • ~ (tilde) represents the home directory, which is /home/john/ for this user.

Example of the Prompt for Root User

The root user has administrative privileges, and their prompt usually ends with a # instead of $, signifying the elevated access. If the root user is logged in on the system ubuntu-server and is in the home directory, the prompt will look like:

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  • root is the superuser (administrator).
  • ubuntu-server is the hostname.
  • ~ represents the root user's home directory (/root/).
  • # indicates that the prompt is for the root user with elevated privileges.

Example of the Prompt in Different Directories

The current directory can change depending on where the user navigates. Here are some examples:

1. In the Home Directory for a Regular User

If the regular user john is in their home directory /home/john/, the prompt will look like:

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  • ~ indicates the home directory /home/john/.

2. In a Subdirectory Inside the Home Directory

If john navigates to a subdirectory inside their home directory, such as /home/john/Documents/, the prompt will show:

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  • /home/john/Documents is the full path to the current directory.

3. In a System Directory as Root User

If the root user is navigating the /etc directory, the prompt might look like:

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  • /etc is the current directory.

4. In a Different Directory for a Regular User

If john switches to a different directory, for example /var/log/, the prompt would change to:

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  • /var/log is the new current directory, showing that John is now in the system logs directory.

Prompt Variations Based on the User

  1. For Regular User (john) in Home Directory:


  2. For Regular User (john) in /etc/ Directory:


  3. For Root User (root) in Home Directory:


  4. For Root User (root) in /var/log/ Directory:


Customizing the Prompt

The appearance of the prompt is not fixed; it can be customized by modifying the PS1 variable in the shell. The following elements can be customized:

  • PS1: The primary prompt string variable, defining the appearance of the prompt.
  • Colors: The prompt can be customized to include colors to highlight different parts of the prompt.
  • Information: You can add information like the time, or the current git branch.

For example, you can set the following in your ~/.bashrc file to customize the prompt:

PS1="\u@\h:\w$ "
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This custom prompt will display:

  • user: The username.
  • hostname: The system's hostname.
  • current-directory: The current working directory.


The Linux command prompt structure provides useful information about the user, host, and current working directory. Understanding the prompt helps you navigate the system more efficiently, especially when switching users or working within different directories.

By recognizing the symbols and structure of the prompt, you can easily identify whether you're working as a regular user or as the root user and determine where you are in the filesystem.

A Beginner's Guide to Essential Linux Commands

Linux is a powerful and flexible operating system, and understanding the right commands is crucial for navigating and managing your system. In this blog, we will cover some of the most commonly used Linux commands in a streamlined and simple way. Let's jump in and get started!

Checking Linux Distributions

Before diving into individual commands, let’s quickly talk about checking which Linux distribution you’re running. To find this out, you can use the following command:

cat /etc/os-release
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This will display details about your Linux distribution, such as the name, version, and more.

1. pwd (Print Working Directory)

The pwd command prints the current working directory you are in. It's simple but super useful when you're unsure where you are in the filesystem.


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This tells you that you're in the /home/user directory.

2. ls (List Directory Contents)

The ls command is used to list the files and directories in the current directory.


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Documents  Pictures  Music
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This shows the contents of the current directory.

3. ls -a (List All Files, Including Hidden Files)

The -a flag with ls shows all files, including hidden files (those starting with a dot .).


ls -a
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.  ..  .bashrc  Documents  Pictures  Music
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Here, . refers to the current directory, and .. refers to the parent directory.

4. ls -l (List Files in Long Format)

The -l flag with ls gives more detailed information about files, like permissions, ownership, size, and modification date.


ls -l
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-rw-r--r-- 1 user user  2324 Feb 15 12:34 example.txt
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This provides detailed info about the example.txt file.

5. ls -al (List All Files in Long Format)

The -al option combines the -a and -l flags, showing both hidden files and detailed file information.


ls -al
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drwxr-xr-x  2 user user 4096 Feb 15 12:34 Documents
-rw-r--r--  1 user user  2324 Feb 15 12:34 .bashrc
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Now you get both hidden files and detailed information!

6. cd (Change Directory)

The cd command is used to change your current directory.


cd Documents
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This will take you to the Documents directory.

7. cd .. (Move to the Parent Directory)

The cd .. command moves you to the parent directory (one level up).


cd ..
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This will take you from /home/user/Documents to /home/user.

8. cd ~ (Move to the Home Directory)

The cd ~ command takes you straight to your home directory.


cd ~
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This will bring you back to /home/user, no matter where you currently are.

9. cd - (Move to the Last Directory)

The cd - command takes you to the last directory you were in.


cd -
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This is useful when you are toggling between two directories.

10. mkdir (Make Directory)

The mkdir command is used to create a new directory.


mkdir new_folder
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This creates a new directory called new_folder in the current directory.

11. touch (Create an Empty File)

The touch command is used to create an empty file or update the timestamp of an existing file.


touch newfile.txt
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This will create a new empty file called newfile.txt.

12. rmdir (Remove Directory)

The rmdir command removes empty directories.


rmdir new_folder
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This will remove the new_folder directory if it's empty.

13. rm (Remove Files)

The rm command is used to delete files.


rm file.txt
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This deletes the file file.txt.

14. rm -r (Remove Directory and Contents)

The -r flag with rm allows you to remove a directory and its contents recursively.


rm -r folder
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This deletes the folder and everything inside it.

15. cp (Copy Files)

The cp command copies files from one location to another.


cp source.txt destination.txt
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This copies source.txt to destination.txt.

16. cp -r (Copy Directories Recursively)

The -r flag with cp copies directories and their contents recursively.


cp -r source_folder destination_folder
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This copies source_folder and everything inside it to destination_folder.

17. mv (Move or Rename Files)

The mv command moves or renames files and directories.


mv oldfile.txt newfile.txt
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This renames oldfile.txt to newfile.txt.

18. cat (Concatenate and Display File Contents)

The cat command displays the contents of a file in the terminal.


cat file.txt
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This prints the contents of file.txt to the terminal.

19. less (View File Contents Page by Page)

The less command allows you to view a file’s content one page at a time, which is useful for long files.


less longfile.txt
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This will display the contents of longfile.txt one page at a time.

20. more (View File Contents Like less)

The more command is similar to less, but it’s a simpler pager.


more longfile.txt
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This will also display longfile.txt one page at a time.

21. lshw (List Hardware Information)

The lshw command provides detailed information about the system's hardware.


sudo lshw
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This command will give you a detailed list of your computer's hardware, like CPU, RAM, and more.

22. free -h (Check System Memory Usage)

The free -h command shows your system's memory usage in a human-readable format.


free -h
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This shows memory information like total RAM, used RAM, and free RAM.

23. sudo (Execute Command with Superuser Privileges)

The sudo command allows you to execute a command with superuser (root) privileges.


sudo apt update
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This runs the apt update command with root privileges, allowing system updates.

24. su - (Switch User)

The su - command is used to switch to the root user or another user.


su -
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This switches you to the root user, giving you administrative privileges.

25. history (View Command History)

The history command displays a list of previously run commands in the terminal.


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This shows a numbered list of the last few commands you’ve executed.

26. Ctrl+C (Interrupt Command)

The Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut is used to interrupt or cancel the current running command in the terminal.


(Running a command that takes too long?)
Press `Ctrl+C` to stop it.
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27. Ctrl+Shift+V (Paste into Terminal)

The Ctrl+Shift+V keyboard shortcut allows you to paste text from your clipboard into the terminal.


(You copied a command from the internet)
Press `Ctrl+Shift+V` to paste it in your terminal.
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Now that you know these essential Linux commands, you’re on your way to becoming a Linux pro! These commands will help you navigate directories, manage files, monitor system resources, and perform administrative tasks with ease. Remember, practice makes perfect — so try out these commands in your terminal and see how they work!

Linux may seem complex at first, but once you get the hang of these commands, you’ll be moving through the system like a pro. Happy exploring!

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