arange(), linspace(), logspace() and normal() in PyTorch

Super Kai (Kazuya Ito) - Apr 10 - - Dev Community

arange() can create the 1D tensor of zero or more integers or floating-point numbers as shown below:


  • arange() can be used with torch but not with a tensor.
  • The 1st argument(int, float, complex or bool) with torch is start(Optional-Default:0). *A 0D tensor of int, float, complex or bool also works.
  • The 2nd argument(int, float, complex or bool) with torch is end(Required).
  • The 3rd argument(int, float, complex or bool) with torch is step(Optional-Default:1).
  • There is dtype argument(torch.dtype) (Optional) with torch. *Memos:
  • There is device argument(int, str or torch.device) (Optional) with torch. *Memos:
    • If device is not given, the device of set_default_device() is used.
    • cpu, cuda, ipu, xpu, mkldnn, opengl, opencl, ideep, hip, ve, fpga, ort, xla, lazy, vulkan, mps, meta, hpu, mtia or privateuseone can be set to device.
    • Setting 0 uses GPU(CUDA).
    • device= must be used.
  • There is range() which is similar to arange() but range() is deprecated.
import torch

# tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

torch.arange(start=5, end=15)
# tensor([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14])

torch.arange(start=5, end=15, step=3)
# tensor([5, 8, 11, 14])

torch.arange(start=-5, end=5)
# tensor([-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

torch.arange(start=-5, end=5, step=3)
# tensor([-5, -2, 1, 4])

torch.arange(start=-5., end=5., step=3., dtype=torch.float64)
torch.arange(start=-5., end=5., step=3., dtype=float)
# tensor([-5., -2.,  1.,  4.], dtype=torch.float64)

torch.arange(start=-5.+0.j, end=5.+0.j, step=3.+0.j)
# tensor([-5., -2., 1., 4.])

torch.arange(start=False, end=True, step=True)
# tensor([0])

torch.arange(start=0, end=0)
torch.arange(start=0, end=0, step=3)
torch.arange(start=0, end=0, step=3, device='cpu')
torch.arange(start=0, end=0, step=3, device=torch.device(device='cpu'))
torch.arange(start=0, end=0, step=3, device=torch.device(type='cpu'))
# tensor([], dtype=torch.int64)

torch.arange(start=0, end=0, step=3, device='cuda:0')
torch.arange(start=0, end=0, step=3, device='cuda')
torch.arange(start=0, end=0, step=3, device=0)
torch.arange(start=0, end=0, step=3, device=torch.device(device='cuda:0'))
torch.arange(start=0, end=0, step=3, device=torch.device(type='cuda'))
torch.arange(start=0, end=0, step=3, device=torch.device(type='cuda', index=0))
# tensor([], device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.int64)
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can create the 1D tensor of the zero or more integers, floating-point numbers or complex numbers which are evenly spaced from start to end as shown below:


  • linspace() can be used with torch but not with a tensor.
  • The 1st argument(int, float, complex or bool) with torch is start(Required). *A 0D tensor of int, float, complex or bool also works.
  • The 2nd argument(int, float, complex or bool) with torch is end(Required). *A 0D tensor of int, float, complex or bool also works.
  • The 3rd argument(int) with torch is steps(Required). *A 0D tensor of int also works.
  • Setting start and end of integer type is not enough to get the tensor of integer type so we must set integer type to dtype.
  • The default type is float32.
import torch

torch.linspace(start=10, end=20, steps=0)
# tensor([])

torch.linspace(10, 20, 1)
torch.linspace(10., 20., 1)

torch.linspace(10, 20, 2)
torch.linspace(10., 20., 2)
# tensor([10., 20.])

torch.linspace(10, 20, 3)
torch.linspace(10., 20., 3)
# tensor([10., 15., 20.])

torch.linspace(10, 20, 4)
torch.linspace(10., 20., 4)
# tensor([10.0000, 13.3333, 16.6667, 20.0000])

torch.linspace(10, 20, 4, dtype=torch.int64)
# tensor([10, 13, 16, 20], dtype=torch.int64)

torch.linspace(10+6j, 20+3j, 4)
# tensor([10.0000+6.j, 13.3333+5.j, 16.6667+4.j, 20.0000+3.j])
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can basically create the 1D tensor of the zero or more floating-point numbers, integers or complex numbers which are evenly spaced from basestart to baseend as shown below:


  • logspace() can be used only from torch but not from a tensor.
  • The 1st argument(Required) is start.
  • The 2nd argument(Required) is end.
  • The 3rd argument(Required) is steps.
  • The 4th argument(Optional) is base which is 10.0 by default.
  • The exponential parts start and end are evenly spaced.
  • Setting start and end of integer type is not enough to get the tensor of integer type so we must set integer type to dtype.
import torch

torch.logspace(10, 20, 0)
torch.logspace(10., 20., 0)
# tensor([])
torch.logspace(10, 20, 1)
torch.logspace(10., 20., 1)
# tensor([1.0000e+10])
torch.logspace(10, 20, 2)
torch.logspace(10., 20., 2)
# tensor([1.0000e+10, 1.0000e+20])
torch.logspace(10, 20, 3)
torch.logspace(10., 20., 3)
# tensor([1.0000e+10, 1.0000e+15, 1.0000e+20])
torch.logspace(10, 20, 4)
torch.logspace(10., 20., 4)
# tensor([1.0000e+10, 2.1544e+13, 4.6416e+16, 1.0000e+20])
torch.logspace(10, 20, 4, 100)
torch.logspace(10., 20., 4, 100)
# tensor([1.0000e+20, 4.6416e+26, 2.1544e+33, inf])

torch.logspace(10, 20, 4, 100, dtype=torch.int64)
# tensor([-9223372036854775808,
#         -9223372036854775808, 
#         -9223372036854775808,
#         -9223372036854775808])

torch.logspace(10+6j, 20+3j, 4, 100)
# tensor([-8.0012e+19+5.9985e+19j,
#         -2.3708e+26-3.9904e+26j,
#         1.9593e+33-8.9592e+32j,
#         inf+infj])
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normal() can create the 1D or more D tensor of zero or more random floating-point numbers(Default) or complex numbers from normal distribution as shown below:


  • normal() can be used only from torch but not from a tensor.
  • The default type is float32.
  • The 1st argument is mean.
  • The 2nd argument is std(Standard deviation).
  • The 3rd argument is size.
import torch

torch.normal(0, 1, (0,))
# tensor([])
torch.normal(0, 1, (3,))
# tensor([2.4737, 1.0925, -0.2984])
torch.normal(0, 1, (3, 2))
# tensor([[ 1.5716,  0.2892], [-2.7665, -1.1040], [-0.8145, -0.0520]])
torch.normal(0, 1, (3, 2, 4))
# tensor([[[0.4032, -1.1011, -0.2356, -2.3010],
#          [0.3675, -0.1115, -0.9581, -1.3232]],
#         [[1.0273, 0.9534, 1.2640, -0.2971],
#          [2.5688, -0.0851, 0.7737, 1.2036]],
#         [[0.7446, -0.2630, -1.4919, -0.7096],
#          [-0.3706, 0.0073, 0.8246, 0.9313]]])
torch.normal(0, 1, (3, 2, 4), dtype=torch.complex64)
# tensor([[[0.1640-0.8105j, -0.0654+0.2241j,
#           0.1629-0.8095j, -0.2853+1.0529j],
#          [-0.4795-0.5646j, -0.6884-0.1562j,
#           -0.6333+0.7238j, 0.8710-1.1705j]],
#         [[-1.5067+1.2063j, 0.6296-0.0607j,
#           0.7197-0.4113j, 0.1742+0.3301j],
#          [-0.4388+1.0028j, 0.0297+0.2668j,
#           -0.3234+0.7390j,  0.0336+0.5532j]],
#         [[0.1296+0.9593j, -0.1632+0.3848j,
#           -0.6574-0.0247j, -0.6997-0.0548j],
#          [0.5176+1.0693j, 0.6728+1.2304j,
#           -0.6519+0.0970j, -0.5081-0.4026j]]])

torch.normal(5, 4, (0,))
# tensor([])
torch.normal(5, 4, (3,))
# tensor([7.2012, -1.6016, 5.2472])
torch.normal(5, 4, (3, 2))
# tensor([[9.6180, 12.7688], [-1.8151, 3.9245], [0.3551, 4.5507]])
torch.normal(5, 4, (3, 2, 4))
# tensor([[[9.7707+5.7214j, 4.7577+12.6819j,
#           7.8147+9.3258j, 4.5580+9.2139j],
#          [1.6257+3.8480j, 1.3294+4.7965j,
#           2.8914+4.5585j, 5.9573+4.1559j]],
#         [[8.0873+4.8930j, 2.9459+4.8999j,
#           6.6957+3.7738j, 1.4319+7.7348j],
#          [5.5551+5.8145j, 1.9599+8.7604j,
#           6.1416+5.7876j, 2.5204+3.0414j]],
#         [[4.5839+6.1299j, 3.1245+3.8965j,
#           9.1091+6.3294j, 2.8272+8.0571j],
#          [2.5482+3.1353j, 3.4173+2.0660j,
#           9.1401+5.8971j, 4.5078+4.3233j]]])
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