Git Simple Terms

Ibrahim S - Dec 29 '23 - - Dev Community


is a distributed version control system for tracking changes in source code during software development.

Feature of Git:

  1. It keeps track of the past.
  2. It's open-source and free.
  3. Non-linear development is encouraged.
  4. Backups are created.
  5. Scalable.
  6. Encourages teamwork.
  7. Development that is dispersed.

There are three stages to the Git workflow:

Working directory - Make changes to the files in your current working directory.

Staging area (Index) - Arrange the files in your staging area and take photographs of them.

Git repository (directory) - Make a commit to save the snapshots to your Git directory indefinitely. Make modifications to any existing version, stage them, and commit.

Below some git commands 👇


• git init
• git clone
• git add
• git commit
• git status
• git diff
• git checkout
• git reset
• git log
• git show
• git tag
• git push
• git pull


• git branch
• git checkout -b
• git merge
• git rebase
• git branch --set-upstream-to
• git branch --unset-upstream
• git cherry-pick


• git merge
• git rebase


• git stash
• git stash pop
• git stash list
• git stash apply
• git stash drop


• git remote
• git remote add
• git remote remove
• git fetch
• git pull
• git push
• git clone --mirror


• git config
• git global config
• git reset config


• git cat-file
• git checkout-index
• git commit-tree
• git diff-tree
• git for-each-ref
• git hash-object
• git ls-files
• git ls-remote
• git merge-tree
• git read-tree
• git rev-parse
• git show-branch
• git show-ref
• git symbolic-ref
• git tag --list
• git update-ref


• git blame
• git bisect
• git checkout
• git commit
• git diff
• git fetch
• git grep
• git log
• git merge
• git push
• git rebase
• git reset
• git show
• git tag


• git config --global alias.


• git config --local core.hooksPath

GitHub is just a service provider for a tech called GIT. Git is a source/version control technology.

GitHub is one of the biggest service provider.

Several risks associated using Git

  1. Data loss
  2. Security
  3. Merge conflicts
  4. Misuse of branch management
  5. Open-source risk
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