Overview of My Submission
This project consists of a mobile application that detects if a person wears a mask or not in a video. It combines the output of 2 Azure AI Cognitive Services:
The application is written in C# using Xamarin, which allows to deliver a cross-platform mobile application that can run in Windows, Android, and iOS among other platforms.
App details:
- You can record a local video
- You can upload the video to Azure Video Analyzer
- You can see a list of videos from Azure Video Analyzer service
- You can access the details of a video
Azure Video Analyzer service doesn't tell you if you are wearing a mask or not, but it will return frames from the video. That's where Azure Custom Vision enters: Using Object Detection capabilities from Custom Vision project, I could label "mask" zones and "no-mask" zones. Then, I send the frame from Video Analyzer to Custom Vision so it can tell me if the person is wearing a mask or not.
Submission Category:
AI Aces
Link to Code on GitHub
Additional Resources / Info
Image 4: Accessing the video list
Image 5: Accessing video details: No mask / Mask detection