Building a Mail Analyzer and Responder Using ChatGPT API: A Backend Development Journey

Ifeoluwa Sulaiman - Jun 30 - - Dev Community

In the realm of backend development, challenges abound, pushing us to innovate and refine our skills continuously. Recently, I embarked on an ambitious project: creating a backend application that analyzes incoming emails and uses the ChatGPT API to generate appropriate responses. This undertaking was as complex as it was rewarding, presenting numerous obstacles that required creative and technical prowess to overcome. Allow me to walk you through this journey, highlighting the hurdles encountered and the strategies employed to build a robust solution.

The Challenge: Analyzing Emails and Responding Appropriately
The primary objective was to develop an application capable of:

1) Fetching and analyzing incoming emails.
2) Determining the context and sentiment of each email.
3) Generating accurate and contextually relevant responses using the ChatGPT API.
4) Sending these responses back to the original senders.
5) Schedules and sends these responses using Gmail API and BullMQ.

Building this backend application involved integrating the Gmail API for reading and sending emails, ChatGPT API for generating responses, and BullMQ for scheduling. The process was a testament to the importance of systematic problem-solving in backend development.

My Journey with HNG Internship
I’m thrilled to join the HNG Internship, where I’ll further hone my skills and tackle new challenges. The HNG Internship offers a hands-on, immersive learning experience, perfect for developers looking to elevate their careers. Learn more about the program and explore how you can hire top talent from HNG.

My Journey with HNG Internship
I’m thrilled to join the HNG Internship, where I’ll further hone my skills and tackle new challenges. The HNG Internship offers a hands-on, immersive learning experience, perfect for developers looking to elevate their careers. Learn more about the program and explore how you can hire top talent from HNG

This project exemplifies the exciting, problem-solving nature of backend development, and I’m eager to continue this journey with HNG, ready to embrace new opportunities and contribute to innovative solutions.

For more information on the HNG Internship and how it can transform your career, visit HNG Internship: and explore their premium offerings here:
