What is a PR in Software Development? Best Practices |Guide

Igor AG - Jun 12 - - Dev Community

As a software developer, the concept of a "PR" or Pull Request has become an integral part of my daily workflow. It’s not just a technical process, but a collaborative and communicative tool that enhances the quality and efficiency of software development. A Pull Request represents a request to merge changes from one branch of a repository into another, usually the main branch. Through my experience, I’ve come to appreciate how PRs facilitate teamwork, maintain code quality, and foster a culture of continuous learning.

What is a Pull Request?

At its core, a Pull Request is a way for me to propose changes to the codebase. When I’ve completed a task—whether it's a new feature, a bug fix, or an improvement—I create a branch from the main codebase where I can work independently. This ensures that the main branch remains stable and unaffected by ongoing development.

Once my changes are ready, I open a Pull Request. This action notifies my team that my work is ready for review. The PR includes a description of the changes, the reasons behind them, and any relevant documentation. It’s a formal request for my teammates to review, discuss, and ultimately approve the integration of my code into the main branch.

Understanding the importance of a pull request (PR) in software development is crucial, as it facilitates code review and integration. To ensure the highest code quality and functionality, it's equally essential to recognize why a quality assurance tester is needed on a software development team.

The Role of Code Review in PRs

The code review process is the heart of a Pull Request. It’s where the collaborative nature of software development truly shines. When I submit a PR, my team members review the changes, provide feedback, and suggest improvements. This not only ensures that the code meets our quality standards but also promotes knowledge sharing and collective ownership of the codebase.

Reviewing code is a critical skill in software development. It involves more than just checking for correctness; it requires understanding the overall architecture, identifying potential issues, and ensuring that the changes align with the project’s goals. Through code reviews, I’ve learned new techniques, discovered better practices, and gained insights into different approaches to problem-solving.

Writing Effective PR Descriptions

A well-written PR description is essential for a smooth review process. It provides context and clarity, helping reviewers understand the purpose and scope of the changes. When writing a PR description, I include:

  • A summary of the changes: A brief overview of what the PR does;
  • The motivation: Why the changes are necessary;
  • Relevant links: Links to tickets, user stories, or documentation that provide additional context;
  • Screenshots or videos: Visual aids to demonstrate the changes, especially for UI/UX modifications;
  • Testing instructions: Steps to reproduce and verify the changes.

A detailed PR description not only saves time for reviewers but also reduces the back-and-forth communication needed to clarify misunderstandings.

Managing Pull Request Size

One of the challenges I’ve faced with PRs is managing their size. Large PRs are difficult to review effectively because they contain too many changes to process at once. This can lead to delayed reviews and increased chances of overlooking issues. To mitigate this, I strive to keep my PRs small and focused on a single task or feature. This approach makes the review process more manageable and helps maintain a steady flow of code integration.

Ensuring Timely Reviews

Ensuring Timely Reviews

Timely reviews are crucial for maintaining development momentum. Delays in reviewing PRs can bottleneck the process, causing frustration and slowing down progress. To ensure timely reviews, my team has implemented several practices:

  • Rotating reviewer system: We have a schedule that designates different team members as primary reviewers for specific days. This distributes the review workload evenly and ensures that PRs don’t sit idle;
  • Automated notifications: We use tools that send reminders to reviewers when a PR is pending. This keeps the process moving and helps maintain accountability;
  • Prioritizing reviews: We treat PR reviews as high-priority tasks. By giving them precedence, we can quickly address issues and integrate changes without unnecessary delays.

Best Practices for Pull Requests

Over time, I’ve developed a set of best practices that make the PR process more effective:

  • Frequent, small commits: Breaking down work into small, incremental changes makes it easier to track progress and identify issues;
  • Consistent commit messages: Each commit should have a clear and descriptive message that explains the rationale behind the change;
  • Automated testing: Running automated tests before submitting a PR helps catch issues early and reduces the burden on reviewers.
  • Linting and code formatting: Ensuring code adheres to agreed-upon standards improves readability and maintainability;
  • Engaging with feedback: Actively responding to and incorporating feedback from reviewers demonstrates a commitment to quality and collaboration.

The Learning Aspect of PRs

One of the most rewarding aspects of working with PRs is the opportunity for continuous learning. When I review my colleagues’ PRs, I gain exposure to different coding styles, techniques, and problem-solving approaches. This helps me improve my own skills and stay updated with best practices.

Similarly, when my PRs are reviewed, I receive valuable feedback that helps me identify areas for improvement. Constructive criticism is an essential part of growth, and the PR process provides a structured way to receive and act on that feedback.

PRs and Team Dynamics

PRs and Team Dynamics

Pull Requests also play a significant role in shaping team dynamics. They foster a culture of collaboration and collective responsibility. By involving multiple team members in the review process, we ensure that everyone has a stake in the codebase’s quality. This collective ownership encourages better practices and reduces the likelihood of knowledge silos.

Moreover, PRs promote transparency and open communication. They provide a platform for discussing design decisions, debating different approaches, and reaching a consensus on the best path forward. This collaborative decision-making process strengthens team cohesion and ensures that the final product benefits from diverse perspectives.


Pull Requests are a cornerstone of modern software development practices. They facilitate collaboration, maintain code quality, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. As a developer, I view each PR as an opportunity to enhance my skills, contribute to the team, and ensure that we deliver high-quality software.

Through the effective use of PRs, we can build robust, reliable, and maintainable software while fostering a collaborative and learning-oriented environment. The PR process is not just about merging code; it’s about building a strong, cohesive team that takes pride in its work and continuously strives for excellence.

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