Building a Real-Time Google Trends Data Pipeline with Fluvio

Abu Taher Siddik - Aug 19 - - Dev Community

In today's data-driven world, real-time insights are crucial for making informed decisions. But extracting and processing data in real-time can be challenging, especially when dealing with dynamic sources like Google Trends.

This is where Fluvio comes in. Fluvio is a powerful distributed streaming platform designed to handle high-volume, real-time data. In this post, we'll explore how to build a real-time data pipeline using Fluvio to fetch and process Google Trends data.

Why Fluvio?

Fluvio offers several advantages for building real-time data pipelines:

  • Scalability: Fluvio can handle massive volumes of data, making it ideal for large-scale applications.
  • Ease of Use: Fluvio provides a simple and intuitive API, making it easy to get started with streaming data.
  • Real-time Processing: Fluvio enables real-time data processing, allowing you to act on data as it arrives.
  • Flexibility: Fluvio supports various data sources and formats, making it adaptable to different use cases.

The Project: Fluvio Google Trends Dataflow Application

Our project demonstrates how to use Fluvio to build a real-time data pipeline for Google Trends data. The application consists of two main components:

  1. Python Connector: This component fetches data from the Google Trends API using the pytrends library. It then publishes the data to a Fluvio topic.

  2. Rust Smart Module: This component consumes data from the Fluvio topic and performs real-time processing. In this example, it simply prints the data to the console, but you can easily extend it to perform more complex operations like filtering, aggregation, or transformation.

Key Features:

  • Easy Setup: The application is easy to set up and run.
  • Multiple Topics: You can create multiple topics for different data streams.
  • File-Based Data Production: You can produce data from files and consume it with filters.
  • Real-time Processing: Smart Modules enable real-time data processing.
  • Topic Offset Monitoring: You can monitor topic offsets to track message consumption.

Code Example: Python Connector

from fluvio import Fluvio, Producer, Record
from pytrends.request import TrendReq

# Initialize Fluvio
fluvio = Fluvio("my-fluvio-cluster")

# Initialize pytrends
pytrends = TrendReq(hl='en-US', tz=360)

# Create a producer
producer = Producer(fluvio, "google-trends")

# Fetch and publish data
while True:
    # Get trending keywords
    keywords = pytrends.trending_searches(pn='united_states')

    # Create a record
    record = Record(key=b'google-trends', value=keywords.to_json().encode())

    # Publish the record
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Code Example: Rust Smart Module

use fluvio::{Fluvio, Consumer, Record};
use serde_json::from_str;

fn main() {
    // Initialize Fluvio
    let fluvio = Fluvio::new("my-fluvio-cluster");

    // Create a consumer
    let consumer = Consumer::new(fluvio, "google-trends");

    // Consume and process data
    for record in {
        // Decode the record value
        let keywords: serde_json::Value = from_str(std::str::from_utf8(&record.value).unwrap()).unwrap();

        // Print the keywords
        println!("{:?}", keywords);
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Future Directions:

  • Exploring Other Data Sources: You can adapt this application to fetch data from other sources like Twitter, Reddit, or news feeds.
  • Integrating with Other Fluvio Components: You can integrate the application with other Fluvio components like the Fluvio SQL engine for advanced data analysis.
  • Developing Advanced Smart Modules: You can develop more complex Smart Modules for tasks like sentiment analysis, trend prediction, or anomaly detection.


This project demonstrates the power and flexibility of Fluvio for building real-time data pipelines. By leveraging Fluvio's capabilities, you can easily extract, process, and analyze data from dynamic sources like Google Trends, gaining valuable insights in real-time.

Get Started:

Check out the project repository on GitHub for the complete code and instructions:

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