Minimize the time it takes to develop a useable software

Ingi - Apr 9 '24 - - Dev Community

This article is about the Plang programming language, intent based programming language written in natural language. For more info checkout

When you try to get a new software project into your company (or start a new one), you need to estimate the cost and time it takes to produce a result that satisfies the customer.

In a competing market, being able to give lower cost and shorter time period is golden. It raises the chance of getting that project.

This is where Plang programming language comes in.

Let start with something simple like User registration in C#.

It will look something like this, about 130 lines of code
C# code for user registration

This code is actually not acceptable, unless it is for your pet project. You will need to use fancy words such as Dependency Injection, Interfaces, Unit testing, Patterns and another 5-10 files. Your developers also need to be aware of security, such as the hashing algorithm, sql injection and more.

Now let's look at the same code in Plang

- Make sure %password% and %email% is not empty
- Hash %password%, write to %hashedPassword%
- Insert into users, %hashedPassword%, %email%
- Post, create user in MailChimp, Bearer %Settings.MailChimpApi%,    %email%
- Create bearer token from %email%, write to %bearer%
- Write %bearer% to web response
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

We go from 130 lines to 6 lines and it is easy to understand what is happening.

Cognitive load is much less with these 6 lines than with 130 lines.

Fewer lines = better security, fewer bugs, more stable

Which all leads to less time and lower cost of your software development.

To learn more about Plang, checkout our Github repo. There is also a Youtube channel

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