Tumbleweed content

Ingo Steinke, web developer - Jan 18 '24 - - Dev Community

Ironically, the most specific and most urgent questions, the ones that can't be answered by artificial intelligence as they don't yield any good results using straightforward search queries, are the questions that don't get any helpful answers when I ask them on slack, in a forum, or on StackOverflow.

StackOverflow used to have a badge called "tumbleweed", inspired by the old wild-west movies featuring abondoned villages where there is more tumbleweed than people moving on the main street.

To be fair, most questions either got an answer eventually, or I added one myself. Often the solution was something that I would have considered a hack or a workaround, even when it turned out to be common practice.

Do you have similar experiences? What do you do if you don't get answers to urgent development questions?

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