Go for Backend instead of Python/Django

instructured - Jun 6 - - Dev Community

Hi everyone. I've recently started to work at a trade company and they want me to replace their existing website with a new one. I am not a web developer, I do embedded work with C. I got this job without any web experience because owners of the company are my friends, they trust me personally and they are not in a hurry.
Current website is really simple, only activity on the client side is that users send price request forms for products they want to buy. No user accounts, no online purchases. All negotiation work is done via email by the dealers of the company. At the backend a database with thousands of products.
Each product has couple of images and a few specifications. Existing site is built on asp.net, mssql.

Now they want me to build enhanced version of this site. At first very similar functionality with the current site with improved SEO. But later in the future adding user accounts, online payment system and a mobile app.

Because I'm not a experienced Web developer I decided to build new site with Python and Django. Django provides a lot of useful features out of the box as I see. But my problem is Python, because I've been coding primarily in C, I'm struggling to understand Python way of coding. At first it seems way simpler but I feel fine tuning the code is much more difficult because of loose coding style. For a while I'm curious about the Go. It is closer to the C and I feel I can learn it better than Python. My question is, how hard will it be to build that website with Go without web dev experience. Does Go have enough tools to simplify development process. Does it create a lot of problems when adding new functionalities to the site?
